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the full rip

A type of owning. It is the highest possible ownage, or in this casing "ripping" of a person. The full rip must be to the extent that an individual is left with potential long lasting ramifications. The rip can be physical, mental, or in other forms. Additionally, the full rip does not need be obvious to the person receiving said rip.

Joseph said: Yo im gonna rip Shaun guys.
Carter said: How man?
Joseph: I'm gonna shave the beard he's been growing for the last year

by GRIMripper March 23, 2010

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full doc

Mortgage term for the act of people using all documentation (Tax returns, W2s etc.), to fully qualify for a loan.

Guy1 Can you go full doc for this loan?
Guy2 No way Jose! I need to go stated income!

Wow that guy is rich! He can easily qualify with Full Docs!

by RobYo June 19, 2008

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full kill

when a try hard in Fortnite Battle Royale sees your whole team and you knock but finishes you instead of you team.

that stupid tryhard full killed me. what a bitch

by ItsaDefualtSkin.jpeg September 23, 2018

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Full Ramsay

To have a controlled yet still completely over the top rant about someone or something in public or over social media. Enter a level of debate above and beyond what is called for, whilst still maintaining that you have not lost your temper. Prolonged and often exhaustive debate which the perpetrator will need to seek validation from others afterwards, no matter how incorrect their position.

Someone made a comment about the election and the guy went Full Ramsay on him, still talking about it now.

by F8twin August 5, 2017

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Full Send

A full sender is someone who does not give a fuck and will do anything for the boys they also love a fuckin Rona with a lime

Jack - Dylan bro you gonna shotgun that Rona
Dylan - fuck yeah bro it’s full send out here

by Full sender no April 17, 2019

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full spread

It's not just another word for a spread in a magazine, but it can also mean spreading your cheeks.

"Dude she totally showed me her full spread"

by DR.PEPPA March 9, 2016

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Full Circle

The act of taking ones flaccid penis and pushing into their own anus and urinating.

Hey bro, I gave myself a Full Circle last night and my ass was filled. It felt so good, you should try it.

by Pee circut September 24, 2018

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