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double heart attack

When a person having a heart attack causes another person to have a heart attack.

Imagine an old couple living together. The woman starts having a heart attack. The husband, when he sees that she's having a heart attack, the shock gives him a heart attack!

a double heart atttack!

When Mrs. Susan collapsed during playtime at the nursery, a double heart attack ensued.

by Suburbankid21 December 6, 2015

testing your heart

when you ask someone for a favor and they give you their answer as in yes or no.

Asker "May I borrow some money?"
Lender"Yes anytime you need me I got you."
Asked " I was just testing your heart. Seeing where it was at.

by Almighty bull June 11, 2016

crooked little heart

Crooked little heart

An expression of endearment. Someone with a crooked little heart might be rebellious, a chaotic good type.

“You got a crooked little heart!”

God bless your crooked little heart,”
Tom Waits,
Muel Variations, Hold On

by Sam Kenzy March 12, 2019

Favorite broken heart

To have a favorite broken heart, means that you have one specific ex-boy/girlfriend, in which you are still friends with, or would like to be on good terms with, and think of the relationship as only a memory. You may feel sympathy for the breakup, and this person might still be in love with you, even if both of you have moved on, however you do not want to get back together with this person, and you wish this person nothing but the best. To go more into depth on what this means, it means that you have already moved on from this person, but you are thankful for the relationship and the fact that you experienced it with them, and you are always willing to maintain a healthy friendship.

If this doesn't make sense, think about this:

You have a boyfriend/girlfriend. The relationship is cool, and then you guys break up. You remember the relationship, and you are thankful that the relationship is over, but you are also thankful that you went through it, too, because you may have learned a lesson from the relationship, or you love how smooth things were going, DURING the relationship.
You can only have one, favorite broken heart. You would be willing to go through it all again, also.

It's like reading a good book, with a terrible ending.

This term, actually comes from the song by Tiffany Evans, "Favorite Broken Heart".

example 1: I broke up with Sasha about a year ago, but she still likes me, and we're still very close friends. She's my favorite broken heart.

example 2: Boy#1, and Girl#1 are exes, and Boy#1, has a new girlfriend named Girl#2, but Girl#1 and Boy#1 are still close friends. They are thankful that they experienced a romantic relationship with each other, and they are glad it is over. Boy#1 still has feelings for Girl#2, and low-key wants her back, because of her compassionate personality that Girl#2 does not have. Girl#1 does not want to get back together with Boy#1, but she still admires and cares for him. Boy#1, is Girl#1's favorite broken heart.

by I_Love_Food_And_You October 8, 2018

Bless your heart

The southern way to say just about anything.

It can mean what an idiot, poor guy, awe that's so cute, etc.

Guy slips on banana peel

Old southern woman :Bless your heart.

by Lulu the dino nuggie February 15, 2022

Heart Break Gang

A team of people who all got their heart broken, but working together to heal!

The heart break gang will reunite on Valentine’s Day

by Heartbreakerforlife March 15, 2022

thats my heart

Someone special to someone


by Adc. January 8, 2023