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A really stupid person

Louise you friggin spoon.

by xh_wn December 11, 2021


best debater ever and best jjk scaler ever uwu

"hey,have you heard about spoon,i heard he beat jesus in a debate!"

by cumcumcumcucm123123123 June 27, 2021


1. A Romantic way of cuddling
2.a dumb person

1.Yeah me and Chad spooned last night
2. Me:What did you get for number 5 on the math homework?

Chad: I got Abraham Lincoln somehow

Me: Oh my god your such a spoon

by Captain long schlong May 7, 2016


A multi-slur combining the slurs ‘spic’ and ‘coon.’ Targeted towards Blaxican people.

You see Juan, man he’s a damn spoon.
Damn right, that fucking spoon.

by MoeLester1234) August 3, 2022


Someone who makes up rumours for fun. A stirrer. Or a sh*t stirrer.

Omg he’s such a spoon

by Ashaks June 21, 2018


\flipping useless

WIll "\|hey mart"
Mart "You are a spoon"
*He slaps him vigorously*

by th3greekgod May 7, 2021


A shortened name for Wetherspoon's, a pub chain in Britain

The beer at Wetherspoon's is so cheap cos it's way past it's sell-by date and tastes like shit.

by September 5, 2021