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A first ass man move

A first ass man move is one of great wisdom and self-awareness. This generally refers to moves that are unexpected, spontaneous, and perhaps even outright brilliant.

Origin: While this phrase may be of ambiguous origin, this term, for unexplained reasons, is heavily assosiated with the lord and saviour, Jesus Christ himself.

Boy 1: How did you get rid of that clingy chick that keeps stalking you on social media?
Boy 2: I blocked her.
Boy 1: Wow dude...that's a first ass man move, if you ask me.

by Jimmy's Croissants December 26, 2019

we have decided to move forward with other candidates at this time

The last thing you'd wanna hear after a job interview, especially when you thought you did well

*receives email notification*
email: We HaVe DeCiDeD tO mOvE fOrWaRd WiTh OtHeR cAnDiDaTeS aT tHiS tImE

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian August 31, 2022

Moving Marv

The almost attractive guy who you would have an interest in, if your standards were lower,who you only start talking to the week before you have to move out of your apartment on the third floor with no elevator. Then you never talk to him again.

Steve: I was talking to Sydney last week and I helped her move and now she won't respond
Teddy: Man you were just her Moving Marv
Steve: What...

by EStalnakerT December 4, 2016

move the cat

An otherwise-pointless and often repetitive action that stands in the way of what you are actually trying to accomplish. So named for a cat’s habit of sitting on your keyboard when you are trying to type, and continually returning when taken off of it.

I want to cook a nice meal for myself, but my roommate left her papers all over the kitchen counter again. I’m getting tired of constantly having to move the cat.

by Sideroxylonreclinatum July 19, 2023

Move pullen

Denglische Ausdrucksweise für an jemanden ranmachen/ansprechen und ersten Schritt machen

Hast du gestern auf der Party noch einen move gepulled.

Komm, hab dich nicht so, pull' einfach deinen move.

Ich möchte heute aber nicht meinen move pullen.

by Georg.gnt August 3, 2022

Moved the spider

Having "moved a spider" or "moved the spider" refers to a group of 4 people in a circle jerk using only their feet. The 8 feet make the "spider". When someone "moves the spider" they have successfully caused their person to nut. A new person switches in, slightly changing the geometry of the circle. By this mechanism, the spider can move its way across the room, depending on how many people are waiting to jump in when it moves.

My size 14's really "moved the spider" last night at the frat party. I've never been so drunk or so good with my feet before. Maybe I should drop my econ major and go into ballet, bro.

by Spodrmen May 6, 2024

Good Boy Move

Opposite of a Dick move. Doing something nice to others with pure intentions. When someone does something that makes you want to pat their head and say "Good boy".

- "That guy just gave me part of his sandwich because I didn't have any food."
- "Wow, what a good boy move."

by JLundhoj March 27, 2020