A huge turd!
You should have seen thst damned hog leg I just left in that shitter!
Never flush a hog leg. Thaose trophies should be enjoyed.
A word to describe a certain minecraft youtuber(Technoblade)he is very good at minecraft and has cancer
Not even close baby, TECHNOBLADE NEVER DIES! this was said by a hog
Head On; Guts Out
Definition 1: For selling Codfish with the head attached but the guts removed
Definition 2: When girls have their hair and make up done, but their stomachs are showing because they are wearing a crop top.
Definition 3: Getting drunk and letting it all loose.
1. Fresh cod for sale - HOG!
2. Look at that HOG.
3. I think I might get Hog tonight.
Offensive racial slur that led to the downfall of the Sega character, Sonic.
SEGA to rename Sonic the Hedgehog as "Sonic the Guinea Pig"