Something non-swingers and lifestyle posers think swingers do. Although non-swingers who are curious and lifestyle posers do have a lot of fun with it, as they should. (Same goes for pink flamingos and black wedding bands.) Suffice it to say, if someone knows the code there's no reason to use it. The internet also eliminates the need for porch signaling.
Q. Why did someone leave this upside down pineapple on their porch?
A. Because they're retarded.
1👍 1👎
me and ur mom when i go to her house
upsidedown, pineapple, upsidedown pineapple, pp, ur mom, urban dicktionary, suck pp, suck tt,
The act of one person eating pineapple and then plunging their tongue into another’s anus
Bob: After I ate that bowl of pineapple, she asked for me to eat that ass
John: Awesome dude your first pineapple plunge!