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Ray Fledge

A funny fire guy who never should have been able to land a hot ice witch like Xara Cryo

RAY FLEDGE: STRIKE STORM, you need to rein it in a bit.

by STRIKE STORM. READ IT. NOW May 12, 2021

Rachel Ray good

When your girlfriend cooks something so delicious it makes you want to propose.

Girlfriend : How does the food taste?
Boyfriend: This shit is GOOD, like Rachel Ray good! Will you marry me?

by OmahaGirl89 December 2, 2011

Ray Zen

It gets pretty lonely being the only Ray Zen in the world. On the bright side however, I alone define what a Ray Zen is, what he/her should be. This will be part of what drives me forward in life from now on. To be live the best life for other Ray Zens to come.

Ray Zen loves pancakes.

by Ray Zen November 22, 2021


J-ray is a kind and loving person, he is shy at first but will show off his crazy side when he is comfortable. He is funny and very bright. In a relationship he is loyal and can make ur day better with just his company. He is a great big brother/friend and an amazing lover.

Do u know a j-ray?”
“Yea he is really special !“

by November 20, 2023

Rachel Ray

Rachel Ray finds inspiration in cooking her family and her dog

you pulled a rachel ray and forgot the coma

by Not Leonardo Perovic October 16, 2018

Ray Cheesin'

Trippin', not thinking clearly, insane

Down Bad, Simping, Creaming for someone off of thought alone.

Dude! You're Ray Cheesin' over her man. Is there anything else you think about?

by Randonarchy May 25, 2023

tommy ray

Tommy Ray is the owner and founder of KRSNA the Cowboy, raw milk and butter products. His various music projects include; Uncontrolled Opposition, Magnetic Manly, American Accent etc. He is an exceptional Bikram yoga teacher, enjoys barefoot running, sun gazing and practices non-ejaculatory sex. He lives on his own land with his wife Elizabeth and his son Neville. Makes the world best latte (salted, honey, butter, latte). He is extremely wealthy, famous and powerful. He has sparkiling blue eyes and his strong and handsome. His pod cast was #1 in the country in 2023 and has helped guide many souls of integrity who are pursuing goodness, truth and beauty.

Guy #1: Omg, this music is mind blowingly good, who is it?

Guy #2: Bro, its my favorite artist, Tommy Ray, his spotify is under magnetic manly.

by TheHotDesert March 3, 2023