When you leave work abruptly and do not return for several days due to sadness. Usually brought on by female coworkers.
Sarah hurt Bob’s feelings at work, so he left early for an unplanned sadness sabbatical. He will be back Monday.
Almost any time in the day when a NIGGA, feels sad. Normally about 12am.
-"Dude, im in SAD NIBBA HOURS, my girlfriend left me" :(
-"Shit thats sad, ACTIVATE SAD NIBBA HOURS".
1👍 1👎
When you can't spell depression
Jhonny: I have the biggest sad
Lake: I don't give a fuck
Generally a person in ages 12-30.
Uses phrases like
"You don't know how I feel"
"I'm depressed(self-diagnosed) "
"DePreSsion iS n0T a JoK3"
*on social media*
(shares Bart Simpson shit)
(purposely adds a caption to get noticed)
(Anime/Bart Simpson pfp)
*just a joke don't take this shit seriously especially on tiktok*
Guy 1:*shares something with a sad caption*
Guy 2:"Why is Guy 1 always sad on socmed?"
Guy 3:"Don't worry about him he's just a sad boy/sad girl".
The inescapable downward spiral of seeing your favourite anime character die, then seeing a bunch of inferior other characters take over and... You'll get the idea if it happens.
Hi there
"Shrek just died of ligma and I now have the weeBig Sad"
"Must succ man"
A group of 6 high school boys who call each other gay and play tag every year for a whole month. The group normally consist of an Alpha male, A super chill Homie, A kid that always makes bad movie references, 2 beaners, and a semi beaner.
the Sad Boys act like retards when they’re all together