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No Simping Saturday’s

This includes not talking to a female. If you are caught you will get told what to text her or snap her. In exchanging this the boys can’t roast you or josh you.

Luke: Even thought its No simping Saturdays but can I have a pass

(No Simping Saturday’s) No

The boys: Fuck no bro. Who the hell do you think you are. Females aren’t it on Saturday’s. The audacity to ask for our approval on Saturday

by Lil Bit6969 April 16, 2020

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simp theory

everyone pursuing a romantic or sexual relationship can be classified as a simp, a fuckboy, or both. (all of these terms are gender neutral). two people that are simps go together well, and two people who fuckboys go together well.

- a simp idolizes their romantic partner.
- a fuckboy degrades their romantic partner.

-a simp who is also a fuckboy idolizes their partner for sole purpose of sexual engagement.

*talking about a new guy*

"don't talk to him, because by simp theory, since you are a simp, and he is a fuckboy, it won't work out"

by yung nugget May 7, 2020

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Simp Reveal

A way to reveal your crush in a large group of people, typically in a Discord server. Simp reveals are usually Discord messages that are done once or twice by a user, which is what makes them special. Simp reveals can be deleted by a user, or the message can stay up, in which their crush can see the message. Usually, this is done by a person after they set a goal. For example, after someone hits 5 thousand messages, they will do a Simp reveal.

I can't believe that he's doing a simp reveal after he hits 5k messages.

by firebutawesome November 4, 2020

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zach is a simp

zach is a simp

zach is a simp

by catpatter40000 May 13, 2020

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Simp bitch

A parasitic useless hoe of a woman who’s only skills are being a stealthy side hoe, sucking/fucking bare mans, complaining about their pathetic lives while depending on their main man and girlfriends to keep them from homelessness and hunger

They usually wear fake designer or hand me downs/overly used designer from 5+ years ago. They are insecure and will stay in unhappy situations (they usually aspire to be the main bitch/most important person in their benefactor’s life) because they are unable to achieve success on their own. They most likely have flat asses and cannot afford plastic surgery although their pretty face is the only reason why they get any male attention in the first place. They follow trends and have no real style; staying relevant keeps these simp bitches sane.

“Hey you seeing ____ tonight?”

“Nah fuck that simp bitch and her stank puss, shawty necked me all night I don’t need to see her stupid ass till next week”

“I heard about what happened between you and _____ are you okay?”

“That simp bitch tried to trap me with a pregnancy... I ain’t want no kids with a bitch like that. Stupid bitch can’t keep me outta her mouth, blowing up my phone now imma bout to block that flat ass”

by BBMM u simp hoes December 13, 2019

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Levi simp

A bunch of 14 year old girls that simp over a 40 year old man because he’s hot. They mostly like him for his appearance and do not pay attention to any character development nor the story line.

Erica is a Levi simp, She’s weird.”

by EveyoneDiesSoGetOverIt April 9, 2021

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Failed Simp

When simpin' ain't easy. SIMP stands for suckas idolizing mediocre pussy. This is, by far, the most recent pandemic with more kills than coronavirus.

A failed simp differs from a traditional simp in that they are so cringey that women eventually just block them for being so annoying. Hearing about the things failed simps do, makes normal women dry heave.

Normal simps look down on failed simps. Failed simps make regular simps look BAD. These are true bottom feeders. Occasionally, they are referred to as shrimp simps because shrimp are also bottom feeders.

Yo this NEGAN is totally a failed simp!! HAHAHAH He goes after every e-girl and still gets slapped and blocked up.

by NotBangTownUSA June 26, 2021

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