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binge texting

A period of excessive or uncontrolled texting between two or more people, usually associated with meeting a new prospective partner with whom you just can't stop talking to. After binge texting, facebook-officalness ensues.

After Jane and Alex talked for 12 straight hours through text messaging,

Jane: Have you ever heard of binge texting? I think we just partook...

Alex: Hey accept that relationship request i sent you on facebook!

by althealelia June 21, 2010

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Potato Texting

When someone texts someone else within their own domicile because they are too lazy to get their ass off the couch and speak in person

Liz was potato texting Jared from one room away because she was too lazy and engrossed in ICarly to get her ass of the couch and walk into the other room

by rodroddy May 1, 2010

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Head Texting

When you open and read a text message on your phone and don't reply right away. And in your head you texted them back. But they never get it, because you forgot to actually do it.

Tynisheida- hey why didn't you text me back

Jahmonayshia- oh shit, i didn't. I thought I did, I guess I was head texting you.

by Duuuukaaaay August 25, 2010

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hyper text

The popular way of communicating using text-capable cell phones, computers, or other high tech gadgets. Also an effective way of non-confrontational communication.

"That girl has a Sidekick and she can hyper text her friends like 50 words a minute."

by HaydenS77 April 8, 2008

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having your fone taken away for more than 24 hours without text. being text-hungry because of either confiscation or self-disciplinary acts.

Emily: Oh my gosh. how's the text-fast going?

Trina: horrible! i cant text at allm i dont have my fone with me and i feel like breaking down right now.


Heather: ur not replying to my texts! is something wrong?

Melane: Yeah. took a bet that i couldnt text-fast for more than 3 weeks.

Heather: Thats horrid!

by Lindorr July 3, 2010

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speed texting

When someone texts at or close to the speed of light and defies the laws of physics. This is usually accomplished by preppy teenage girls.

Dude1: My new girlfriend just replied to my text before it even finished sending!

Dude2: She must be speed texting again.

by Aceacles December 30, 2010

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Sympathy text

A text designed to gain sympathy from the recipient. Typically sent to everyone in one's contacts, and generally contains unnecessary information about the sender that could have otherwise been left out.

sympathy text:
I'm going to the hospital I'm in a lot of pain I have blood in my urine and I called my doc and they said I either have a kidney or bladder infection, kidney stone, or cyst on my ovary

TMI!!! Hope you feel better.

by HippieChuck January 19, 2011

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