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President of the United States

The president of the United States is the leader of the USA, also known as Jaiden Knight, a 20 year old living his best life

Jay Money is the 48th president of the United States

by Jay_money_000 June 3, 2021

19πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

United States of Generica

Suburban areas where the predominance of malls and chain stores have so homogenized the landscape that there are few remaining external clues where you are. The result of spending any length of time in such areas is a "generic" experience of America, i.e., an experience that is identical whether you are in Texas, Massachusetts, Ohio, or California. May also include extensive housing developments characterized by tract housing or, worse, McMansions.

Every "mom-and-pop" shop that had given the area its charm and character had been replaced by a Walmart, a Payless, a McDonalds, or a Starbucks -- transforming what was once a delightful town into just another corner of the United States of Generica.

by Thomas L. Robinson August 15, 2006

18πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Punish your unit

1. To masterbate furiously.
2. To beat your dick like it owes you money so as to pleasure yourself.
3. The act of jacking off

"That slut from the strip club got me all worked up Brochacho. What am gonna do with this massive boner bulging in my pants?"

"Dude, you should go home and punish your unit then Bromio."

by anuhak gib eht June 16, 2009

18πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

United States of America

(1) A nation that has received so much crap from other people around the world for being imperfect.

(2) A nation that has adopted indigent children from countries all around the world called immigrants who sought a haven from their home countries for various reasons including economic opportunity that the home country could not convey.

(3) A nation that is so quickly (and wrongly) criticized due to a very small minority of so-called "patriots" consisting of imbeciles arrogant enough to believe they speak for 300,000,000 people and ignorant enough to spread the stereotypes of Americans.

European: "Man, the United States of America sucks!"
Canadian: "I know right?"

American: "Ignorant prick..."

by flipoccino June 22, 2010

287πŸ‘ 145πŸ‘Ž

United States of America

A company with a poor Better Business Bureau rating that is jointly owned by small enclaves of hyperproductive accelerationist demonic billionaires, whose main product is Democracyβ„’.

United States of America's business interests include establishing a unipolar global hegemony, where all of their institutions and values have been forcefully integrated into every corner of the planet so that they may better monetize the global population.

To facilitate these business interests they:

- Wage endless war for 228 of the 246 years they've existed, destabilizing entire regions so that they can buy up their infrastructures for pennies on the dollar - all while playing both sides the entire time.

- Overthrow democratically elected governments, infringe upon human rights, and undermine personal liberties.

- Maintain a permanent underclass of employees through the profiteering of disaster capitalism and complete control of policymaking, ensuring the employees who produce the most profit are at their best when material conditions for everyone else are at their lowest.

- Perpetuate and deploy meaningless two-sided ideological systems that neither resolve conflict or respond to crisis, convince regular employees that they are involved in company decisions through their engagement and discussion of them, and observe as they rip each other apart.

- Kill a lot of people and make employees pay for it.

"Man, we have a lot of oil and poppy farms here I sure hope the United States of America doesn-"
* Gets bombed by some dude on the other side of the planet with an Xbox controller *

" Man my leader wants to take us off the petrodollar and drastically increase our standard of living. I sure hope the United States of Amer-"
* Leader gets assassinated, proxy government established, shopping malls built*

"Wow a bunch of Saudis attacked the United States of America, good thing I live in Iraq"

*Country invaded, leader overthrown and executed, tons of innocent civilians murdered.*

by fragi1e December 8, 2022

21πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

United Statian

A term that morons use, who are unable to distinguish between the Americas and the United States of America.

"American? I think you mean United Statian".

by K-Dogg1 April 29, 2021

9πŸ‘ 60πŸ‘Ž

Thot Slayers United

Thot Slayers United (TSU) is a small organization owned by OUS (Organization of United Slayers). Their main goal is to slay every thot in existence. They have a report and thots, which is sometimes updated, which includes thot ratings, how to get rid of a thot, and how to protect yourself from being seduced by a thot. They also have a legion system which is a group of slayers that work together to slay thots.

Pedestrian: How do I join Thot Slayers United?
TSU member: Just join their discord discord.gg/ZK8UvDK. You get questioned and then you build up the ranks.
Pedestrian: Wow, thanks!

by J4ckStyp3 November 11, 2018

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž