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Awesome is what you call someone you hate but yo try to be nice to but really you cant because the hooked up with your sister and they new it was your sister but they couldn't care so you say your fucking awesome mate.

Fucking awesome mate your Awesome

by MeBeBigBoy22 June 12, 2019


Daniyl Mendez or Daniel Mendez

Im Awesome

by Self Proclaimed July 21, 2021


An overused word. More people use this word to mollycoddle themselves than just about any other word.

You're mollycoddling yourself by telling yourself you're awesome, or having your stuffed animals tell you that you're awesome when your mother is not always there to tell you that you're awesome. Nobody is entirely positive or awesome, no matter how much their delicate mind hates negativity and pessimism.

by Solid Mantis September 18, 2020


An overused word. People use it to describe shit that isn't awesome and never was. A word Eric Cartman from Southpark told himself he was when he found out nobody else really liked or respected him or his authoritie (or his bank account). He also made his stuffed animals tell him he was awesome, and that he was not a joke (though he would tell everyone he didn't care what they thought of him).

There was never anything awesome about Cartman from Southpark. If there were any likeable cartoon characters from Southpark, they were Terrence and Philip.

by Solid Mantis December 3, 2020


An overused word. People use it to describe shit that isn't awesome and never was. A word Eric Cartman from Southpark told himself he was when he found out nobody else really liked or respected him or his authoritie (or his bank account).

There was never anything awesome about Cartman from Southpark.

by Solid Mantis December 3, 2020


An overused word. People use it to describe shit that isn't awesome and never was. A word Eric Cartman from Southpark told himself he was when he found out nobody else really liked or respected him or his authoritie (or his bank account). He also made his stuffed animals tell him he was awesome, and that he was not a joke.

There was never anything awesome about Cartman from Southpark. If there were any likeable cartoon characters from Southpark, they were Terrence and Philip.

by Solid Mantis December 3, 2020


An overused word. People use it to describe shit that isn't awesome and never was. A word Eric Cartman from Southpark told himself he was when he found out nobody else really liked or respected him or his authoritie (or his bank account). He also made his stuffed animals tell him he was awesome, and that he was not a joke (though he would tell everyone he didn't care what they thought of him, he was such a narcissist that he would say fuck all of them if they didn't obey or respect his authoritie).

There was never anything awesome about Cartman from Southpark. If there were any likeable cartoon characters from Southpark, they were Terrence and Philip.

by Solid Mantis December 3, 2020