Source Code

South Dakota Beast

The South Dakota Beast is a person who has a very rocky past. They have been through a lot, and has taken many tragedies and turning them into experience.
When they are threatened they become numb. When faced with a challenge they aren't at all threatened, they are merely amused. And will retaliate if necessary.
And one being that is a pest to the Beast is known as The Man, who can't compare to the Beast. The Beast has been beaten, attacked, misused, betrayed, misled, and left in it's past. The Beast was most likely a gangster in it's past, to fight for their once friends. They are most likely lost and do not know what to do. The South Dakota Beast is street smart. They most definitely know how to fight, and how to truly hurt someone. But they don't want to. They are creative, rather to be in their own world, trying to blank out the cold world around them. They are usually quiet, they believe if they are quiet they can learn more and perhaps even make friends. They are perceived as vicious creatures, however they will become vicious, ferocious beasts if messed with. Yes, the South Dakota Beast will maul you.

Random Person: "Wow! Didju see that dude? He totally wrecked that douche!"

Random Person 2: "Yep, that's a South Dakota Beast."

Random Person: "Why is that girl so quiet? It's creepy..."
Random Person 2: "Ya, I think that's a South Dakota Beast..."

Random Person: "Did ya hear? The Man was messing with Fangirl F.A.W., and The South Dakota Beast mauled her/him!"

The Man: You are an idiot.
The South Dakota Beast: Oh, okay. Glad we cleared that up.

by T-Shrooms April 18, 2010

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Caleb Reynolds (Beast Mode Cowboy) Born in N. Carolina and grew up In Kentucky. Was on the CBS Reality tv show BIG BROTHER Season 16. Caleb was given the name Beast Mode Cowboy from a fellow house guest after showing massive strength in Competitions.

That Beast Mode Cowboy sure did turn on his beast mode when he hung on with one arm to win that comp.

by CORRECTURBAN September 8, 2014

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belly of the beast

a stressful and difficult, or sometimes, harsh environment

Working on a job you don't like is like being in the belly of the beast.

by ayie July 18, 2010

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A horribly ugly foul smelling bull-like person who cannot be defined as man or woman, posessing more hair on it's face than on it's head (hence the irony in it's name). Also posses sagging breasts and possibly a mangina.

Mirix: Omg... did you see that Baldy-Beast?

Star: No, but I smelled it!

by The Real Underdraft Fan February 10, 2010

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Slaying the Beast

v. To down an entire bottle of an alcoholic beverage of your own choosing. Beast refers to the old Irish way of referring to Alcohol as The Creature. Beast just happens to be a more hardcore animal euphemism, and since downing an entire bottle of alcohol is pretty hardcore...

1. During the 7-month shooting of the movie Animal House, John Belushi slayed more beasts than any frat boy during their entire college careers.

2. Ted: Oh my God! I caught my sexual partner Rosie slaying the beast! NOW I know why she sleeps with me!!!

by Grammar_Freak_17 April 14, 2008

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beast weiner

the biggest/thickest/longest dick in the whole entire universe. causes women to have orgasms just by looking at it. it can also mean the sexiest most gorgeous being to walk the planet.

person 1: Josh is a total beast weiner!

person 2: i orgasm around him all the time!!

by estupidhead February 24, 2010

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Full Cream Beast

See 'Full Beast'.

Even better than that.

Imagine what you would expect to be the best- a full cream beast is even better than that.

Unpresidentedly good.

Actually origionatess from Drug slang for a bong/lung/waterfall etc. that contained so much hashish that it appeared cream in colour.

'Look, its the second coming of Christ!'

'Wow! That's a Full Cream Beast!'

by Idlevice February 28, 2005

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