slimey butt cheeks is the most hottest person in the world i want to fukin have sex with her
slimey butt cheeks are amazing
Same as butt-cheeks, a redundancy.
Someone crack that he had a fat ass and looking he did have more than just a butt, maybe even a lot of butt, buttock cheeks in fact!
The action of spreading someones buttocks.
Typically done before sexual intercourse.
Tyrone told Little Jesus 'Spread them cheeks boy'
Pep 1:look Sophia has some hot cheeks
Pep 2: nahh Edie has hot cheeks
Pep 1: well fuck off mate!
Pep 2: ok bye daddy!
someone who isn’t thick but sure has a cute ass ;)
boy 1: hey do you see that cute butt cheek over there?
boy 2: yessss wow she’s a keeper and everyone is going to ask how you got such a cute butt cheek
A condition of the skin found on the buttocks. Typically resulting from poorly protected skin abruptly meeting asphalt. Frequently found on the ass of inexperienced longboarders.
"Hey Dunlop, that fall gave me a wicked case of cheek chunder!"
When one dips their bare ass into fresh snow creating a pristine mold of their butt cheeks.
My buddy stopped in the middle of our hike to pull down his pants and leave a perfect pair of snow cheeks in the fresh snow.