Source Code

mr cricket

mr cricket is the nick-name for aussie batsman Mike Hussey, so named because of his complete cricketing skills

Mr Cricket scored another century today

by jamesssss March 2, 2007

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Mr Anderson

Mr Anderson is probably the mightiest beast out there, topping the likes of Killer Bean and John Wick. He is possibly the best teacher to ever grace this earth, bringing his godly teaching skills to our unworthy souls. Please notice me

Jamie McCaffery: oh wit a bangin teacher

Dan Monaghan: yeah, he's such a Mr Anderson

by Mr Anderson's no.1 fan July 15, 2019

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Mr. Intense

An individual who is characterized by a constant intense aura and facial expression. Mr. Intense can be either male or female, and appears intense even when he/she is unaware of your gaze.

Arlene says to Ryan, "in the happy picture with the t-shirts, who is Mr. Intense in the background? He must really like t-shirts."

by Lindsay and Ryan Labels September 8, 2008

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Mr. Pyb

Mr. 'Pay You Back'. Typically the mooch of the group who always tells you he'll pay you back.

Cashier: Welcome to Taco Bell, may I take your order?
Jake: Watch out man, Mr. Pyb is coming towards us.
Malcom: Aw, shit.
David: Hey guys! Hey listen, if you guys get me a couple tacos I'll pay you back.

by Nashiu June 28, 2009

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Mr davis

A literal thiccy with curves curvier than a loop the loop. He’s so fit he could melt through the ground and the equator. He’s also an absolute gamer and either welsh or English but if he’s english he’s a hoe. If he’s welsh he’s the best person meetable.

Wow look that’s mr Davis he’s so fit wow omg I literally just died ouch he’s so fit look at that ass tho damn he is like Kim k but real wow omg wow

by Graeme Hartley November 23, 2019

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Mr. Porn

40 year old virgin principal of Century Jr. Highschool. He is completamente calvo. If you install any game on your school macbook, this kid literally thinks ur a fucking hacker even though he has a PHD or some gay shit like that.

Guy 1: Dude I downloaded Minecraft on my macbook and Mr. Porn called me a hacker!
Guy 2: Hea such a 40 year old virgin. What a fucking bald ass piece of shit

by the_elephant_whisperer69 October 21, 2019

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Mr Larson

A bald bitch

He is bald, he is mr Larson

by WhoMans69 December 16, 2019

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