The act of listening to music to either improve or drop ones mood.
Listening to music to help improve your mood or drop your mood to a lower point.
You- "Hey I am a bit nervous about this dance."
Friend- "You should listen to something to calm you down then."
You- "Okay be right back, I am going to go have a Music-Boost."
a jukebox musical is a musical that plays popular songs from pop culture.
did you guys see moulin rouge! it's my favorite jukebox musical.
The company whom stole Regional at Best and No Phun Intended both albums made by popular musical duo Twenty One Pilots and countless YouTube videos/interviews made by the fan base aka the clique. Warner music has taken away two amazing albums all in the name of abusing copyright strikes
“Good god Warner music give back Regional at Best and No Phun Intended”
Music Stimming. To Stim While Listening To Music.
Stim Song. A Song That's Good To Stim To, Or A Song That Makes You Want To Stim.
"Fine By Mal Blum Is My Favorite Stim Song."
"Me And My Big Sis Wer Music Stimming Together."
Randomly busting out music lyrics and dance moves.
Stevie has Music Tourettes when she starts singing C'est Pas Si Loin by The Bunny The Bear.
Music that's like an abusive relationship, it always hurts you, but you keep going back to anyway.
Ex: Red House Painters, Slowdive, and The Smiths
I really need to stop listening to abusive music, but it's so difficult to quit.
To sit on someones Head and fart while they are bent over. also see asshat, holy asshat , or donkey sombrero.
Bill bent over to pickup a quarter so I gave him a musical asshat.