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Real Negro Hours

A step ahead of"real nigga hours" and is usually the term used when someone pulls an all nighter or any other long period of time without sleeping.

Daquan:Yo dawg I havent slept in 72 hours. Shaniqua: daaaamn you way into real negro hours.

by toppissoffkristian January 3, 2016

real woman

1. grabs the butt
2. not catherine goode

She grabbed the butt! She's a real woman!

by DeRoSaMe November 19, 2007

14πŸ‘ 115πŸ‘Ž

Do it for a real one

Doing something for real, but saying it in a longer form for no reason other than the fact that James Charles says it and who doesn't love a good old O,G sister?

James Charles: you want me to go to North Korea I'll do it for a real one

by Ruby loscerman September 10, 2018

36πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

real ahh jittleyang

A meme that was posted on TikTok by @syxontop. It features a Baltimore speaking in an accent that practically no one can understand.

real ahh jittleyang just got the wickalatookins back down der dem aveneus ya no wha i sayin fuck wit me then you neva new jittle ma nottleatoos finna appa snappa gapplea here faw lohinatoos nah jittle ma nottlesees ya no wha i sayin

by BluOrang65 June 20, 2023

345πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

real men

real man: "a man who can't touch his toes for Nuts."

Kim:"omg, look at the crackers on that guy, betcha he can't touch his toes"

by He-man March 6, 2003

8πŸ‘ 60πŸ‘Ž

real men of genius

All of the funny Bud Lite ads that are played on the radio. It was originally known as Real American Heroes, but after 9/11 they felt that the term was unacceptable because of the acts of heroism that occured on that day.

Bud Light Presents: Real Men of Genius (Real Men of Genius)
Today we salute you
Mr. Silent killer gas passer (Mr. Silent killer gas passer)
Last night, you had the enchilada combo platter
This morning, the three-cheese omelet with broccoli
This afternoon, you're a ticking time-bomb
(tick, tick, tick, tick)
Because of you a simple elevator ride is suddenly a
42-floor plummet into the very bowels of hell
(You take my breath away)
Who did it? Who cares.
Sweet mercy, please, just someone light a match
(sweet, sweet mercy)
So crack open an ice-cold Bud Light O ninja of the nasty
And while you're at it, crack open a window
(Mr. Silent killer gas passer)

by skppy1225 August 25, 2006

72πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

that’s a real mood killer

A thought or statement you make as you’re about to have the best sex ever and whomever you are about to have it with brings up your ex.

Well that’s a real mood killer!

by Dr Bunnygirl October 5, 2019

16πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž