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scene poser

a scene poser is a person, usually girls who see scenesters and decide to be like them. Girls will cut their long hair short(and then take pictures for their myspace with the caption "new hairr!! RIP long hairzz :") and replace their normal clothes with studded belts, van slip-ons and shirts from pac sun and hot topic. scene posers can be spotted because they do bad make up and hair and their friends are stil normal. real scensters only hang out with scenesters, its an unwritten law. Scene posers listen to commonly known "emo" bands such as brand new, death cab for cutie, something corporate, fall out boy or panic! at the disco.

look at that girl's cheezy hightlights! what a scene poser!

by LOLZ DATZ DA SEX April 27, 2006

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scene kid

the ever popular "scene kid".
go on myspace and you will get real life examples of a countless amount. with enough pictures for your mind to blur with the same repetitive images of bad hair, horrible photography (that they perceive to be "artistic") taken from horrible angles, ugly hair clips, anorexic boys, fake girls, tight pants, and wayyy too much eyeliner.
scene kids can usually be found at the local mall, spending their rich white parents' money on things that are ever-so-"kewl" at the moment and will make them all the more hxc. they also flock to shows and concerts like a black person to a pack of menthols.
scene kids are under the impression that they are way cooler and better than anyone who is not "with the scene". the boys enjoy kissing each other for attention. the girls enjoy giving the attention. the boys whine too much, but then again.. so do the girls.
they use slang such as "kthx" "rawr" and other unoriginal lingo that i don't care enough to elaborate on. they find it amusing to poo-poo anything not in the scene. they find it ABSOLUTELY hilarious to make fun of anything ghetto/rap/gang related.
scene kids will do anything to fit in. they pretend not to care, even though we all know how much time they spend fixing their multicolored hair.
some advice for the scene kids; boys- eat something, stop wearing makeup, and PLEASE stop shopping in the girl's department. girls- suck up your insecurities, lay the concert tees to rest, and get a hair color that actually suits you.

"wow. i'm going to be a kewl scene kid, say i'm original and impersonate every other god damn unoriginal teenager on the god forsaken website called myspace and take a shit load of pictures of myself and my hair with my expensive digital camera! don't you <3 my hxc hairband and all new tight pants? kthx. weRd."

by anna hogarth January 13, 2006

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scene kids

Topic to cause drama on UD.

Random person posts long diatribe that basically amounts to
"Sene kidz r ghey lOL"

Scenekid posts response: "We're not all assholes, but...yadda yadda... maybe you're just jealous". This should be read as "I'll feign indignance and keep up my holier-than-thou attitude to look cool on LOL_THE_INTERNET."

The real truth is that arrogance, ignorance, prejudce, elitism, and ageism (scene KID?) are all horrible things that both parties are guilty of.


This topic is it's own example of how user-defined term "scene kids" caused drama on itself on ur.. fucking TIME PARADOX

by Contravene June 13, 2007

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Scene Kidz

The typical scene kids:

- Females are often whores who likes to expose themselves on photographs they take of themselves.
- Stupid hair that they think is unique when in fact they're just fuckin clones of each other.
- They think being bi is the coolest thing ever.
- Very vain and claim to be ugly when in fact alot of them appear to be pretty WITH their heavy make-up. Without it is a different matter...
- Talk like chavs. Behave like chavs. Are pig shit thick like chavs.
- They try too hard to be 'da sex'. They often make asses of themselves and cool people from the rock scene tend not to want to be associated with them.
- Spoilt and get everything they want, yet they still find things to complain about.
- They have NO passion for music at all and simply annoy everyone else who does.
- When they go to concerts they try to push in with their 'gang' of total idiots who look exactly the same as them.
- They talk about sex alot.
- And not one of them ever stops to think when they call themselves 'scene kids', they are being completely the opposite of being unique and fitting themselves into a stereo type.
- When you have to stand next to one it makes you feel violent and agressive and gives you the need to kill.
- They are attention seekers.

Scene Kidz: *screams stupid lyrics*
Scene Girl 1: OMG OLI SYKES IS TTLY HOT. I wanna get in hiz pants. When he sees me he'll wanna strip.
Scene Girl 2: yeah, like bmth are da bomb! the screaming iz da shit.
Scene Girl 3: like my hair? i sprayed it some bright colour to be unique.
Scene Girl 2: oh i lurrrrv it! u r so hot! though that girl over there has done exactly the same colour. but yr leik way hotter leik.
Scene Girl 3: she is so copying me. but yh leik, i look hotter. *twiddles hair*
(Scene Girl 1 feels ignored)
*Bashes into someone and starts giggling*
Scene Girl 1: ARENT I COOL?!!
Everyone who is at the concert for the music: NOOOOOOOOO!!!

by emzii x March 5, 2009

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Scene hair

Choppy hair that looks like a five year old started hacking at it with scizzors. Sometimes with drawn in sections of "stripes" of different colored sharpie.

"Did you see her scene hair?"
"yea her sharpie stripes were so uneven."

by MichelleEve October 23, 2008

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scene points

The basic unit used when aquiring scene cred

person one: I'm so sad that Panic At The Disco got rid of their exclamation point!

Person 2: Ya, they totally lost some scene points for that.

by xValerix April 8, 2008

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scene kids

Scene kids are a group of mindless idiots that are an exact replica of one another, whether they want to believe it or not. A majority of them come from wealthy families and most of them used to be preppy before the whole scene came about. They'll call themselves hardcore, yet if you tried to ask them hardcore means they couldn't give you an answer. Most of them are self absorbed and wouldn't dare to talk to anyone outside the scene. They all have shitty taste in music and favors a lame, no talented band that no one's ever heard of. They can't think for themselves. Music is their life, only because they don't have a life. They often live their life by lyrics. You ain't scene without the skinny jeans, white studded belt, dumb ass lip piercings, and nappy mullets. It's pretty typical for them to get stupid tattoos that they'll probably regret in 5 years. They like to give themselves nicknames like BaileyBrutal or MandyMassacre that don't apply to them. Most will claim to be bisexual. A lot of them claim to be gangster but since when did hardcore and gangster go together? The girls believe that one day they will be famous..on the internet. They wear make up like beetle juice and try look 80's ish...even though the 80's have been wiped out for over 20 years. They all think they're photographers only cause they can take a picture of themselves. Most of them convert back to their preppy ways after being tired of trying so hard. Luckily the fad is fading fast.

ME: Look at all those dumb fucks, do they look stupid or what?

SCENE KIDS: OHH EMM GEEEEE!!! Don't judge me. RAWR! I'm just trying to figure myself out.

by megan8312 February 14, 2011

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