Boom Story is an animated web series where two walking Bombs called Boom and Hurb go on adventures together. After their reunion, Boom and Hurb are simply trying to hang out again, but something always seems to go wrong. The web series is being uploaded on the ArnavBoom YouTube channel. Other characters are prominent aswell like Blu, who is trying to become King of Bob-omb Battlefield, which Boom is trying stop, and Lucy, the big sister of Hurb. As of writing this, two Episodes are out, Episode 1: „Pasta Problems“ and Episode 2: „Why are you so Blu”. More episodes are currently in the works! And yes this is me, the creator of the web series, writing this because I am bored.
Hey, did you see the newest Boom Story Episode?
Haha……. no
sad stories that touch the heart or elicit sympathy
Whenever you go on a date, make sure you have your credit card, to avoid stories that touch. Just in case your date bails on you and leaves you with the bill!
A story that in some aspects could maybe be true but is mostly an exaggeration
"Man that chick was sucking my dick upside down down." "Man stfu that shit has to be a Jake story!"
Your Girlfriend tell a story while performing fellatio on you.
I asked rebecca if she woukd be able to preform story-wood while I watched.
Basically Boku no Pico but with the entire plot rewritten to be more suitable for people under the age of 18
Pico: My little summer story
Storrycarrier tells secrets and lies
OMG did you hear barney is a storeycarrier I wouldn’t trust that fat shit story carrier
Food that only exists for the sake of talking about it.
Pop Rocks cheesecake is total story food.