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Tard of the Day

when someones so retarded, they dont deserve the 're'
used as an insult to a friend who has done something paricually stupid, or retarded. Two or more people must agree that this person is a retard. They are stuck with this title for the remainder of the day and must hang their heads in 'tarded shame.

Becca: *comes into school wearing odd shoes*
group of scene friends: TARD OF THE DAY
Becca: *hangs head in shame*

by Lips.Like.Morphine April 25, 2007

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Orange Tard

The offspring of a Redneck and a Yellow Hammer

He is so dumb he must be a Orange Tard

by Midwest Expert November 1, 2010

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Tard Claw

A plastic spoon that is turned inside out. It has multiple purposes including- a ladel, a back scratcher, a weapon that is quick at the draw, a reaching device, if flipped the other way a spoon, and many more.

Tard clawtard claw back scratcher ladel weapon quick draw purpose

by I am tard claw July 26, 2011

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Anyone who is very bad at texting. Thought to originate from 'T9-tard' - people who fail to fix their T9ed texts.

dont fuck with me - correct T9
foot dual with of. - usual T9 typo.

Nick is such a t-tard that I'm thinking of buying him a blackberry.

by Envious 314 March 16, 2009

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1.The retard on skis who is constantly cutting you off as you go down the hill on your skis/board.

2.The tourist skier wearing jeans and a sweatshirt in below freezing weather.

Joe: Geez, sorry it took so long for me to get down to the lift! There was a ski-tard in front of me the whole time.

Mike: LOL! Look at that stupid ski-tard skiing down the hill in his jeans!

by Dr Lina P June 12, 2009

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Referred to as a stupid dumbass who does/says questionable things but has not quite achieved the full status of 'retard'.
A 'retard' in the making.
Padawan retard.
Trainee hillbilly/redneck.
The prequel to 'retard'.

Man 1 - "I can't believe Billy said that to John. What a stupid mother fucker".

Man 2 - "The guy is void of any brain cells. He's a total Pre-tard".

George went to the shop for some milk and came back with a hooker. What a Pre-tard.

by DirtyDave2.0 August 13, 2022

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tard factory

a facility were a lot of stupid people are made or become stupid due to overexposure to misleading propaganda that leaves a person in a state of ignorance and stupidity

Washington DC is the Biggest tard factory in all human history

by lord turd October 12, 2015

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