The classier of the two musical groups. (Band Geeks and Choir Nerds) Choir Nerds are way smarter than band geeks, for they can play in a concert WITHOUT music, or an instrument. And even before there were bands, there were choirs! Band geeks are just too lazy to really learn the natural way of music, so they have pieces of brass/wood/strings do it for them.
Choir Nerds are usually seen with other choir nerds, and may happen to be humming, or singing selections from choir in all the differet voice ranges. Choir Nerds are (usually) comepletley obsessed with thier Choir Teaher, and add him/her on Facebook as many times as possible, before the teacher gives in. A choir nerd might also have an assortment of "Choir Nerd" t- shirts in their closet, as well as competition tees, polos, and black dressy pants and shoes. They usually take voice lessons, piano lessons and extra credit from thier director. They also seem to know the term: Hair Natzi, which makes them laugh eery time someone mentions it. And choir nerds are the only ones priveliged to say: Dipthong. Choir Nerds are simply BETTER than any Band Geek.
Choir Nerds are BORN, band geeks are MADE.
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A Nerd Bomber is someone who is lame and has an awkward laugh. They also claim to be bad but in reality they are wack.
Maria is such a nerd bomber.
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A nerd who plays World of Warcraft and never has or will touch a booby.
Denied Nerd: "My new years resolution? 1920 x 1080."
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any activity within the boundaries of nerding, but to an extent with style.
we have two tvs on the front porch, running black opps right now" "Chris, you guys bring nerding to a whole new level." "yea, but we do it with swag Kelly." "Swag Nerding."
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A call of battle to all nerds after one has accomplished a "nerdy" task or visually sees something "nerdy".
"I'm so dominating these kids on call of duty.... NERD QUAD!"
"That kid is wearing a sick dragon Ball-z T-shirt.... NERD QUAD represent!"
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someone who plays the mmorpg Runescape obsessively and is often found sitting at the computer mining, cutting wood, or doing some other mindless clicking task to make fake money on a retarded game.
"dude look at him all he does is beat off and play runescape, what a runescape nerd"
"Tyler has been playing runescape all day, i think he has like 20 mil... BIG WHOOP! *cough runescape nerd cough*"
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A loser that loves raids and will thoroughly explain what a raid is to anybody that doesn't know.
Duder 1: "So your dad does what all day? Raids on WOW? What the hell is that?"
Duder 2: "So you can go to these hella difficult areas and you need hella people to go with you, then you all coordinate your attacks and shit and you have to be alert like the whole damn time and you cant leave the group for like hours. All that just for the chance that you might get something nice out of the dead bodies."
Duder 1: "Damn I didn't need to know that you raid nerd. Ha ha I still love you though."
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