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Internet personality

The personality of a person who spends the majority of there life on the Internet. They are Socially inept, are terribly depressing to be around and all of them have depression. They are everywhere, yet they think they are special because they are still in the childish narcissistic mindset.
Do keep in mind, they have personalities underneath all the meme references. One must get to know them to find out who they really are, but all of them are the same on the surface.
The only cure for this personality is friendship and Zoloft.

George: hey , Mark, wanna chill with Jess?

Mark: nuh, last time I chilled with Jess he wouldn't stop calling me a weeb for watching death note. After every one of my sentences he just came back at me with a meme reference.

George: yeah, Jess has an Internet personality, nevermind.

by Gingerblue July 6, 2017

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Internet Personality

when someone is a totally different person when they are on the internet than they are in real life. the personality that they are on the internet is their Internet Personality

that girl is mean and argumentative in real life, but her Internet Personality, she gets along with everybody.

by 50% Cat August 9, 2011

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internet gay

Using capital letters to "fight" on the internet.

Alicia is internet gay.

by Nova Boy June 4, 2007

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Bad Internet

your worst nightmare

I hate bad internet!

by YulTheWizard October 1, 2019

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Internet Pedophile

A creepy person on the internet who creeps on blockgames and sues people for copying his or her blockgame builds. Usually above the age of 18. Sometimes living at the residence of his or her parents. (Max12)

"Wow this guy is really pulling a max12 it's so creepy. What an Internet Pedophile"

by Penqu August 1, 2017

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Internet Diagnosing

The act of searching medical websites to match real or imagined symptoms in oneself or ones friends and family. This automatically makes the searcher a medical expert and this person is usually known for their hypochondriac tendencies and uncanny abilities to drive you nuts.

Woman A: (cough) "I'm not feeling so hot."

Woman B: "Do you have shortness of breath and a fever?"

Woman A: "Mayyyybe.... I feel a little warm..."

Woman B: "Let me do some internet diagnosing on WebMD....Oh my god!! You have Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis! We've gotta get you to the emergency room!"

by mel268 July 6, 2010

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Conquered The Internet

When you've done all that needs to be done or has piqued your interest online and no further task is at hand, usually resulting in you logging off or going to do something productive.

Damn dude, theres no new videos on YouTube, I have no friend requests on facebook and Obama isn't tweeting on twitter. I conquered the internet.

by SpyderNinja September 13, 2009

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