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Kentucky Plug

Using your thumb to block a major artery after an accident

After Scott's Serbu went BOOM, he used the Kentucky Plug in his throat to save his life

by Somebody said something May 20, 2021

Kentucky Plug

When you are in the middle of a sexual act with a partner and shove your thumb up Your partners Butthole

Hey Rick I gave that chick from the Bar a Kentucky Plug just for Kentucky ballistics.

by WhereisAk50 May 20, 2021

kentucky plug

A sex act where the thumb is used as a butt plug. Referenced to Youtuber Kentucky Ballistics who had to jam his own thumb into his neck to keep from bleeding out.

The girl I hooked up with last night was totally stoked for the Kentucky Plug! Said she never came so hard!

by RandoAKG May 20, 2021

Kentucky Plug

The inserting of a thumb into the rectum

She wasn't down for anal right off the bat, so we warmed up with a good ol fashioned kentucky Plug.

by thecaptain138 May 20, 2021

Kentucky Plug

When you are having sexual intercourse and you stick your thumb in her ass

Bob gave me the Kentucky plug last night

by Johnwickery1 May 21, 2021

Kentucky plug

A sex position when a man inserts his penis into into the female in a hole in the throat

I gave the smoker the kentucky plug last night

by I'm sorry Scott ask Brandon May 20, 2021

kentucky plug

Kentucky plug - verb - The act of using a thumb to fill a hole. Most commonly one's own thumb however, it is not uncommon to plug another's hole with the "Kentucky plug".

*calls 911*
Me: uhhh hello my gun exploded and there's a massive hole
911: alright sir calm down, you are equipped with two Kentucky plugs.
Me: wtf is a Kentucky plug?!?
911: sir, please turn your thumb towards the open hole insert it completely into the hole.
Me: *passes out from blood loss like a normal human*

by Donut's pimp May 21, 2021