Using your thumb to block a major artery after an accident
After Scott's Serbu went BOOM, he used the Kentucky Plug in his throat to save his life
When you are in the middle of a sexual act with a partner and shove your thumb up Your partners Butthole
Hey Rick I gave that chick from the Bar a Kentucky Plug just for Kentucky ballistics.
A sex act where the thumb is used as a butt plug. Referenced to Youtuber Kentucky Ballistics who had to jam his own thumb into his neck to keep from bleeding out.
The girl I hooked up with last night was totally stoked for the Kentucky Plug! Said she never came so hard!
The inserting of a thumb into the rectum
She wasn't down for anal right off the bat, so we warmed up with a good ol fashioned kentucky Plug.
When you are having sexual intercourse and you stick your thumb in her ass
Bob gave me the Kentucky plug last night
A sex position when a man inserts his penis into into the female in a hole in the throat
I gave the smoker the kentucky plug last night
Kentucky plug - verb - The act of using a thumb to fill a hole. Most commonly one's own thumb however, it is not uncommon to plug another's hole with the "Kentucky plug".
*calls 911*
Me: uhhh hello my gun exploded and there's a massive hole
911: alright sir calm down, you are equipped with two Kentucky plugs.
Me: wtf is a Kentucky plug?!?
911: sir, please turn your thumb towards the open hole insert it completely into the hole.
Me: *passes out from blood loss like a normal human*