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pimp change

A physical response to a male friend or coworkers dig or insults at your expense. A open hand slap delivered across the side of there face or head followed by announcing Here's your pimp change.

Guy 1- your broke ass can't even pay attention.

Guy 2- slaps him open hand across the face

Good one and here's your pimp change.

by brickeycrow November 25, 2017

Yava Pimp

A fine ass boy that goes to yavapai college. Can be found at party's or local cafes' surounded by yavahos'! He is usually loud as day and slaping them girls to keep them in line!

That Alex boy, is such a Yava Pimp!

by Avac!!!! October 22, 2010

neutral pimp

A type of pimp that only takes 20% of what his hoes are earning and doesn't abuse his hoes AS much as a normal Pimp.

"Josh over there, he's a neutral pimp, hus hoes getting more money than him."

by BloodhoundGangBalls August 24, 2023

A pimp blimp

A blimp made for pimps

2 chain babe a pimp blimp babe

by Johnny Garcia October 10, 2020

cold pimp

A person who 'owns' outrageous, flashy behavior. Often in choice of attire.

He showed up for the boxing match weigh in, a cold pimp in a full length mink coat

by Nodsumi July 18, 2017

Pimp Nugglesworth

V. word used to describe the act of an unattractive man picking up a chick way out of his league.

That guy over there just went pimp nugglesworth all over that bitch.

by Rod Ballsacula January 9, 2011

Yung pimp

Nigga who eats xannies like fukin cereal.

Yung pimp overdosed in front of his homies parents.

by ThickNiggerJack November 5, 2020