The only correct way to say “I can’t”
“Can you come over tomorrow?”
“Yesn’t, I couldn’t not not”
It was until now…
John: I made up a word. I bet this is undefined
A term used to discredit an arguement or idea by means of humiliation
Person A 'hey I wonder if a filament can be replaced in a bulb'
Person B 'I don't overs mayn'
I don’t mind you, as I don’t like you as a crush at the moment but I would date you, your pretty cute.
Her : Hey, what do you think of me?
Him : Well I don’t mind ya..
Literally just so i can get a mug with that on it
Ima buy a mug that says "i got this mug from Walmart"
When you know someone has done eh/ know they done something but want to hear it from their own mouth. Someone has always done something.
Fred I know what ye done. Might aswell say eh now.
L-B-I-G-O-T Men often engage in casual misogyny. While L-B-I-G-O-T Women do the misogyny less, Both sexes participate in casual racism as well, and often engage in hating on the poor because its a nice reprieve from racism and misogyny sometimes
"THAT L-B-I-G-O-T man was harassing another straight man for being black. The world is on crazy pills"