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I-lovelies is a term created by K-ARMYs (Korean BTS Fans aka K-Diamonds) to

(I-ARMYs). describe the international ARMYs

I live in England so my Korean friend who is also an ARMY calls me an I-lovely.

by I-Lovely, I -ARMY March 20, 2018


Short for International Lovelies (외랑둥이).

The name that k-army (Korean BTS fans) has given to i-army (international BTS fans), as a term of endearment.

The Korean part of kpop fandoms usually hate their international counterpart and call them names such as i-roaches or cockroaches, but because of their good nature, thankfulness and close relationship to i-army, k-army chose to name their international counterpart i-lovelies.

Likewise international ARMYs call the Korean fandom k-diamonds, because they find them so incredibly precious.

- Our i-lovelies ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I can really feel their affections for not only the boys but also for Korean Eppis ㅠㅠㅠ.
- Please tell our i-lovelies that I love them... and please tell them "thank you for always working hard".

by Expertus March 21, 2018

I got Raked

When your IT professional screws you over. Pronounced like the computer rack. "Racked"

I ask Jim our computer guy to install my workstation before lunch, instead he left for lunch early. I got Raked

by Bulldogslobber December 16, 2011

I can draw anything

Describes a person that can draw anything,
example like kogito.

Kogito: "I can draw anything"
Person: "Kogito can draw anything"

by 02dcs October 31, 2023

Can I Get A Hooyah

a phrase that means Fortnite doesn’t suck


by Ur boi YEET December 19, 2021

I eat our own dog food

Implies sweating profusely until swamp ass has turned into a frothed eggwhite like substance on your chode, which is then scooped and devoured with a cup of cold milk.

I eat our own dog food and store my crypto on Binance.com. I also need to convert crypto from time-to-time to pay for my personal expenses or for the Card.

by Rokett March 28, 2023


-The actual word for shrimp everyone just used it wrong

Did you know that shrimp is actually supposed to be pronounced shr”I”mp you pronounce the “i” is pronounced like how you pronouns “I”

by ZoliDrawzzz August 2, 2021