Something you say to someone when they need to stop procrastinating and/or willfully ignoring problems around them that need to be solved. When someone is willfully slacking off, this is a great term to use.
When someone has their head in their ass, it means they're intentionally avoiding the subject of problems that need to be fixed, or they're intentionally making themselves ignorant of a problem. People do this because they think the problem may just disappear, but it never will, that's just life. You have to confront your troubles, not ignore them.
Mom: Jake, how's homework and school going?
Jake: I don't know I'm just taking a nap
Mom: It's 10PM, have you even started today's homework?!?
Jake: No mom it's fine
Mom: NO Jake, it's not fine, Pull your head out of your ass and get to work, or else you're gonna end up being a failure and a drug addict just like your disowned half brother!
Jake: FINE Mom!
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To be not busy.
As a visual metaphor, it implies the opposite to the expression ‘flat out’. A lizard drinking is visually flat against the ground, still, stationary, prostrate, prone and apparently inactive - the opposite of what a person is like when they are busy.
The primary definition that I heard for years amongst colleagues and friends fluent in Strine was the 'not busy' version. It was only recently that I have heard it used to mean 'hard at work' or 'busy'. It feels that the traditional components of visual metaphor and humour in the Strine lexicon have been lost or the expression misconstrued at some point.
Flat out like a lizard drinking -
"Man it's quiet here. You busy?"
“Busy? Flat out… like a lizard drinking… hehehe.”
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October 31 is hollowenn so get something scarey on and scare the crap out of your sibling
If your an only child do what scares you before bed then go to sleep and it will be november 1st
GUY .Hey whats october 31
Other guy. holloween
juicy An aggressive term used to express anger or hatred towards another person.
beat the juicy out of yo mama’s navel
Jack, you’re such a jerk, Imma beat the juicy out of yo mama’s navel!
Ok bet fight me nigga I will slap the fuck out of you brian
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ask ur crush out on April 25th :) do it u pussy. u have to
hey whore go ask ur crush out its national ask ur crush out day
Alternative wording: Get your feelings out of your fingers
1. Remove misplaced emotional outbursts from posts you see and comment on via social media or text
2. Stop being butt hurt over social media postings, specifically memes, and overreacting
During Facebook argument
Man: you're implying all men act a certain way!
Nesha: Get ya feelings out ya fingers and relax. That's not what I said