Being really big and really awesome, like silver lining in a cloud
Wow! Did you see that goal? That was a big silver goal
Big up =(noun) origin - jamaican 1980s. singular and plural.
di lol= the laugh out loud
It's an expression of support a joke or funny story that somebody told.
You can use this word before, while, after or instead laughing
"Big up di lol on that funny joke/story/situation"
By day a mild mannered and all round card carrying David.
At night he transforms in to Big Rave Dave... A master of wiff waff, backgammon, jazz cooking and throwing shapes...
Will occasionally go in disguise as "Wee Davie..." when he wants to mix it up a bit...
Has been know to bang out excellent performances of "I Dreamed a Dream" from Lez Miz...
Is capable of capering to levels of extreme proportion when accompanied by his side kick Phmrb... Whose mystery is only exceeded by her power
Amy Winehouse: That Big Rave Dave parties so hard... How is he in bed at 9pm most nights?
Bigest bdussy hole ever, so thicc you've never seen anything like it.
I got fucked in my big bdussy hole
An angry so and so. He's always right.
Big stus can be stubborn ,and always tend to be a jobsworth
Person 1 : "That big Stu is stubborn".
Person 2: "and he's a f*cking jobsworth
A word used too describe gaytinjos big dick
I want Metinjo's big dick