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Opposite of hard

Someone who gives off a persona of being raw or hard, but deep down they are really just soft.

“Dude, SMD! I won’t get in that cage even though the Padres won in 4. I’m soft!”

by ZTerm October 19, 2022


A Benson-ism

To gently and soothingly rub a person's body part beginning with the nails in one direction and the tips of this fingers in the other.

James "softed" Sam's arm to calm her down and help her fall asleep

by SammiBlove April 5, 2018


alessia cara.

alessia cara is the softest, purest soul in the universe

by streamcanada February 2, 2020


Fridas småkager.

Fridas småkager var fandenme soft.

by Ditpseudonym October 8, 2020


Isaiah Sedillos

Isaiah Sedillos: A man who is very sensitive, soft, and emotionally open. Not afraid to cry, weep uncontrollably, and express feeling.

by SweetCeceD66 November 29, 2018


A slang term for cocaine. Coke is soft, crack is it's opposite: hard.

"Hey Tony, you got any soft? I'm looking to get twisted tonight "

by Ealsa345 July 3, 2023


Pictures that don't quite qualify as nudes.

Pictures in underwear, or with the intimate areas covered up in some way.

-Hey, I talked to this girl last night and she sent me a few softs!

-Damnnn bro she must be really into you!

by The Essentialist June 29, 2021