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gooch butter

The material that accumulates between the ball sack and anus, especially on hot nights.

She, unfortunately, got into the gooch butter and threw up.

by KansasSti June 26, 2011

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gut butter

When roadies are on tour and havent washed for a couple of weeks, they rub arrogant singers microphones up theyre arse crack and give it bak for the obnoxious twats to sing into.

Yer lets gut butter the bastard

by comic_sans June 26, 2006

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butter churn

A sexual massage of the penis in the motion of churning butter. It's kind of like an indian sunburn, but on the penis.

Sally grabbed Fred's penis, and performed a butter churn upon it.

by sweaterdouche February 3, 2007

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Lung Butter

Butter of the lung.

That lung looks quite buttery, almost like lung butter.

by zachneilzachneiljoejoejoe October 14, 2008

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monkey butter

a food spread made with the following ingredients:
1 banana
2 tbsp peanut butter
1 cup vanilla yogurt
2 tsp cinnamon sugar

Works well on toast, especially french toast.
Great with Nutella!

For lunch today, my mom packed me a monkey butter sandwich. All the kids in the cafeteria went apeshit.

by issyakd April 27, 2008

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nutter butter

1) A nickname given to only the extremely intellegent, sexy, cool, and person that is better than you
2) A compliment.
3) A cookie.

1) Yo Nutter Butter! Lure that hot girl over here, then figure out string theory.
2) He's so suave, what a Nutter Butter.
3) Mmm, I LOVE Nutter Butters.

by Urban Dictionary May 21, 2005

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crumbs in the butter

Fast food remnants that get lodged in unwanted crevices while having anal sex in a vehicle, typically while wearing a Snuggie.

I was really going at my wife's ass in the car the other night, wearing a zebra Snuggie, until the crumbs in the butter chafed my dick.

by analymouse November 15, 2009

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