Source Code

Your Brother a Mother

This Insult is the ender of worlds (Use at your own risk)

John:Your Granny Tranny

Jack:Your Sister a Mister

John: Your Brother a Mother

God ceases to exist while a celestial black hole tears the multiverse in two

by the.real.slim.shady_v1 March 18, 2018

Fake Mother In Law

A Fake Mother In Law is a person who for the sake of her relationship with her son or daughter, is a hypocrite with her daughter or son in law in all situations. This person will gossip and talk behind your back but in-front of her child is a saint.

She is such a Fake Mother In Law! I would never talk to her if it wasn't for my hubby.

by AndyMiami May 15, 2007

31πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Serving mother cunt

Serving mother cunt is the ultimate serve of sexiness of femininity; and also doing something that is ultimately so fierce that everyone’s jaw dropped at the sight of it. You are slaying in such a way that no one else can compare

Did you see Leslie out last night? She was serving mother cunt so hard.

by bussyqueen October 19, 2023

36πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Ur brother a mother

This is not a phrase to use in light situations. Use with extreme caution

Carl: ur mom gay
Jeff:ur daddy lesbian

Carl: ur granny tranny

Jeff: ur sister a mister
Carl: ur brother a mother

*jeff turns into a pile of blood as the fabric of the universe collapses and destroys the existence of all mortal beings

by Meme pidgeon March 18, 2018

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Ur brother a mother

A more basic form of how god expelled satan from heaven.
This will instantly send a person to hell for internal surfing.

Joe: ur mom gay lol
Bob: ur dad lesbian
Joe: ur brother a mother
*the ground opens and swallows bob*

by Thecopyrightmaster March 17, 2018

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your brother a mother

The secret god of insults; this forbidden phrase can erase the people listening to it from existence

Person 1: Your mom gay
Person 2: Your daddy lesbian
Person 1: Well your granny a tranny
Person 2 falls onto the floor and is in great pain
Person 1: Any last words?
Person 2: Your brother a mother
Person 1 implodes and disappears from existence. Everyone forgets about Person 1

by BaRoccoBama March 20, 2018

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die mother fucker

1. An expression intended to send fear and doubt to a opponent or foe in any instance.

This signals the time to start running...

by Craven Magic November 26, 2003

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