To throw a temper tantrum when things don't go your way.
John McEnroe would throw the biggest tantrums in the world of tennis. They were amazing to watch. They would evolve and grow like fine wine. He was the master and inventor if the McEnroe Move.
Gina pulled a McEnroe Move when she didn't get the big promotion. She started throwing things around her office.
Johnson didn't agree with the unsportsmanlike conduct call and spit at the referee. Total McEnroe Move.
A brad move is when you do or say something super low to someone.
Same concept applies to brad jokes.
*Brad tells his wife she should better go make him a sandwich coz this is what women are for*
The crowd : "WOW, such a brad move....."
A noor move is someone that is a annoying fat f£££ and that they also do weird things and weird places so whenever you see your friend doing something call them a NOOR move
“I just took a shit and ate it”
Me : “that’s a noor move right there”
When someone does something extremely messed up or stupid.
To perform an act driven with a lack of thought or intelligence
Raff is invited out with his friends but he choses to play dungeons & Dragons alone for the entire night having homosexual relations with other boys. That's a Raff move.
pff dont we all know a dumb baden who does dumb moves
Wow getting that camera was such a baden move
When someone is moving like an idiot
“Alex your moving purple g go suck your mum you pussyhole” said rahmel