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noob combo

A combo used in halo 2 involving the Plasma Pistol and Battle rifle. It is widely known as a "noob combo" because "a noob can use it and kill a seasoned veteran." so basically the other strong weapons (i.e rocket launcher, sword, shotgun) are noob weapons since a noob can kill a veteran easily with those.

veteran: hay u noob combo me iz rank 37 me iz good me no die
player: what? i'm rank 38 and I am supposedly a noob? racist
veteran: yah but i die means u noob and u live n yer moms basement
player: lol

by fuzzy fish March 11, 2008

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Uber Noob

A noob that is so noobish that you want to beat the piss out of them.

Omg Rick is such a damn Uber Noob we should take him out back!!!

by Mitch Prentice March 2, 2008

4๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

noob tubing

When you go to a party claiming your the biggest pimp and you hook up with lots of girls, but there all ugly or your sisters friends.

He says he's a pimp but i think he's really noob tubing

by walt Deez March 30, 2010

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Noob Batter

A person who has yet to even play the game (or know the title of the game). This is followed by Noob Cake. By which when the game is over, they will turn into a cake because of the extreme heat of the pwnage they endure.

"Are you sure you know hoe to play you fuckin' Noob Batter."

by Hoasty January 26, 2009

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Noob Combo

Worse than a noob deluxe.

Person A: Darn, I got killed by my own claymore. I'm such a noob deluxe
Person B: No, you're a noob combo.

by Not_Noob-a-noob October 9, 2010

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noob box

A box full of noobs.

You seen that noob box?

Yeah its full of noobs.

by leontodd November 12, 2009

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Micro Noob

1. Having bad micro, micro that is or never will be uber.
2. A partial or semi noob.

1.Damn i just pwnd you up in some zero hour... your a micro noob!!!!1111!!1
2.Eh its ok your just a micro noob, you might have a shot next time.

by Ryan Whitcome June 29, 2006

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