Source Code

night creature

A girl with big beautiful blue eyes, who creeps around at night.

Krystina is such a night creature

by official night creature May 12, 2009

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The Night Fox

A very classy, sexy, and ever so talented lady who can make you happy and or sad at her very whim. She has incredible eyes and can scare you off with one look.
As well she is gorgeous, intelligent, intriguing, interesting, fantastic and all around amazing person!
she also rocks at engineering

Carl : Damn man did you see the Night Fox?
Stan : Yeah man she's a sexy animal!

by awesomenightfoxyaaa January 20, 2010

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night nailed

A hangover you get at night time from getting hammered all day.

Becka: How was last night?

Alejandro: Horrible! I was night nailed from drinking that whole bottle of vodka at the bbq that afternoon!

by alejandrhoe December 14, 2009

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summer nights

the time when there is no school and every night is a party night. no one seems to care what day it is and quite often no one can remember what day it is. the time to drink, toke, and poke without worries

also a terrible song by Lil Rob

Mike: What's going on tonight?
Me: I don't know but its a summer night, lets get shitty!

Summer nights: live it up, drink it down, laugh it off

by had too much July 2, 2006

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Creature of the night

well the name pretty much sums it up.. shes a creature and you only want to see her at night because its dark so you cant see her.. she is attracted to anything and everything.. so if she knows where you live you are screwed! she starves for attention so if she texts you "conviently"dont text back... when she sees a prius you will hear "Fuck yo Prius" simply reply "fuck your mouth" shuts the little creature up right quick! also she goes for the much younger boys so if you have a child lock it up... you'll thank me later

If you feel repulsed or sick the creature of the night is near

by H8 Prius August 4, 2009

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night crazies

Those select few people who cannot control their actions after or during consumption of alcoholic beverages. They are capable of anything from a simple drunk text or phone call to a vigorous dance move putting an entire bar/establishment in awe. It is even possible that they could randomly hook up with any member of the same and or opposite sex and tightly grip an innappropriate area for no reason at all. These types of people are to be shunned and ignored at all costs, or it could be the last sight of your life.

Eric : "Dude, look at those girls outside Phoggy Dog. WTF are they doing?"

Bryan : "Isn't that Special K and E.W.? I thought the bar got a restraining order on them for the craziness they caused last time?"

Eric : "Fuckin night crazies, man. Let's get out of here, quick!"

by GormsMyGorms October 28, 2009

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Lean Night

Sick ass night filled with partying, bitches,weed,loosies and crusin around till 4 am

Van : Yo son - wat killin 2nite?
Timmy: I don't know but we gon have a lean night!

by u n known March 2, 2008

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