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Billy Jack'ed!!!

The definition of a double barrel ass whoopin' handed by a single bad assed motherfucker to a smart assed individual or individuals when they flap their gums.

Better watch your smart ass mouth or you'll get your ass Billy Jack'ed!!!

by ajmcleod November 24, 2010

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Billy 224

a man whore who sucks pee pee and has no freind so he slaves it away at Dairy Queen. He likes to vape and smoke weed. He has a weird obsession with gay men . He’s funny but can be very annoying and too gay at times. He single and ugly and will always be. He smells bad and shouldn’t be your friend

Billy 224 is swagger but odd so watch out

by cupcakebae1134 May 6, 2020

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Bendover Billy

A gay man who bends over to take it up the ass

There's a bendover Billy at the end of the bar ogling your crotch!!

by FriarFruk March 16, 2011

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Billie Eilish

The most beautiful person ever to exist.

She makes music with her older brother, Finneas O’Connell (who also has his own music career).

PS: if someone says they like Billie Eilish but only listen to Bad Guy, they are most definitely a local and they are most likely a waste of time ☺️😎

Bob: I hate Billie Eilish! She’s trash!
Me: *runs over Bob with a car*
Me: you got what you deserved, Bob. RIP you will not be missed.

by BillyEllishhehehe August 24, 2019

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Billie Eilish

A LITERAL FREAKING QUEEN! She is amazing,talented,beautiful,sexy af,and etc. She cares for the world and wants to help as much even at a young age. And her brother finneas is an amazing person and needs much more attention. Stream bad guy on Spotify. And show bil some respect she deserves it.

I'm Billie Eilish!

Oh no oh no oh no-billie eilsih
I'm the bad guy DUH-billie eilish
Billie Eilish is my wife
Billie eilish is hot

by BadGuyBilDuh September 18, 2019

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Billie Eilish

an amazing singer who is btw subscribed to elizabeth gila on youtube..

"favourite song?"
"everything i wanted by billie eilish"

by zoeeee :) December 8, 2019

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Billy Boner

Billy Boner to describe a feeling a redneck gets in their pants when they look at a BIG truck.

Man This is the 3rd time today Billy Bob has a got a Billy Boner after looking at my new truck.

by Redneck Mother Fucker January 23, 2018

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