In reference to a woman having a yeast infection
"Sorry, we can't have sex tonight, I'm baking bread down there."
When a person makes a luxury cake using supermarkets ingredients using no mixer and no oven. First coined by Anges de Sucre.
Reshmi made a fake bake of the pink wink cake for a tenner.
When someone gets married to someone who already has kids. They are “easy bake kid/s” because that person didn’t have to put any work into them when they were younger.
You could end up with “easy bake kid/s”. Ones from a previous marriage.
Doing a task that accomplishes nothing
Police: What were you doing on the night of June 19th 2015
Me: I was baking ice
Police: How have you survived this long
VERB-- When you are high as fuck, then go to a kitchen and begin baking random boxed mixes, then while bake and baking, you then begin a vlog on your camera app.
(resolution for munchies)
(true bake and baking is done )
(you typically do not watch vlog)
"Do you want to 'bake and bake' tonight chief?"
"Hell yeah brother!"
What -usually a cat- or anyone else does by putting there feet -or paws- by a heat source.
"Awww look at your cat! He's baking his lil beans by the fire"
Just you know... baking the beans.
the usage of photoshop or any other photo editing program in order to enhance oneself to look tanner, usually resulting in an gross, peachy hue.
did you see susan's new facebook picture?
yeah, she definately digital baked that baby.