A slightly aggressive way of telling somebody to put lotion in a basket
Buffalo Bill: It places the lotion in the basket
Catherine: I wanna see my mommy. Please no...
A More harsh and direct version of put that in your pipe and smoke it. Basically a way of telling someone how it is and if they don't like it they can go fuck themselves.
I've told you a million times that I think your a cunt so Put that in your ass and fuck it.
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A phrase used towards a person starting shit for no reason.
"Dave you've only had two pints, stop putting paper in the frying pan"
Did you see that picture he put zero fingers up he gets no bitches and has no idea how to talk to women
When you take a man by a sack and use it like you would a car shifter.
I’m putting someone in third gear because they stole my car
when a person tells you obvious lies, and will cite very spurious sources to support their claims. Often brought by loose anecdotal evidence.
Don: "The sound from windmills causes cancer."
Bob: "Name one doctor who will corroborate that statement."
Don: "All the doctors will tell you the same thing. Everybody knows it."
Bob: "You're putting me through the Trump."
Don: "I heard of one librarian's mother whose hairdresser had a nephew who got cancer from a windmill. It's so true."