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Scene Kid

A scene kid is a male or female (Usually aged between 13 and 18) who dress usually in bright colours,children's tee's,bands shirts and skinny jeans.

They normally have Black or Platinum Blonde hair filled with unnaturally coloured streaks,coon stripes,leopard prints,extensions or Chunks of bright colors.

Girls will normally wear foundation,Very thick eyeliner,Neon eyeshadow,Skinny jeans,Tutu's,Stockings,Band shirts and Childrens clothing.

Boys will normally wear thick eyeliner or no makeup,Skinny jeans,band shirts,Hoodies and Childrens tops.

They are ALWAYS adorbale looking and they like to say things like 'Rawr','KthnxBaii' and 'Your teh sex!' as well as 'Bang,Bang' and 'Lets fuck'.

They are generally sweet,outgoing and funny. It is pretty easy to pick out a poser.

They are almost always dating another cute scenekidd or soemtimes even an emo.
They love Bows,Hello Kitty,Pokemon,Cheerios,Coco Pops and other random/cute things.

They generally love Zui Suicide,Jac Vanek,Kiki Kannibal,Audrey Kitching,Jeffree Star and other SCENE QUEENS.

Hii Baybee
Are we goiing to teh music festival toonight?!?
Yesh,OF COURSE,I mean FFTL is playingg!
Laterr,Rememberr your teh sex!

(Actual conversation between two Scene Kids)

by SammyShotgunXX April 6, 2009

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scene kids

Scene Kids are very easy to spot in that they dress the same and usually travel in herds. They can be easily identified by their tight girl jeans from the GAP (this goes for girls and boys) and black hair. A common misonception for heterosexual males is seeing a Male scene kid from behind, they may deem the person female when it is actually a guy.

They are very arrogant, and egotistical. Many of the females may looks innocent and easy, but that is infact a shield that covers their true arrogant and narcissistic nature. They are arrogant in that they think their genre of music is the BEST DAMN THING TO HIT DA' STREETS (quote from scene chick).

Many people have "scene-sickness," a condition where the sight of a scene kid can cause dizziness and even vomiting.

Seeing a Male from behind

Chris: Holy Shit! That white chick has a nice tight ass. I'm gonna go squeeze what god gave her.

Mark: FUCK YEAH! Slap some skin on me before you do!

Chris: Hey there pretty lady, I like what you're shaking <squeezes butt>

---Person turns around, to only horrify both males to see that it is in fact a MAN!!!---

Scene Kid: Dude...I'm only Gay on weekdays sorry.

Chris & MarK: WHAT DA' FUCK, it's one of them SCENE KIDS

Mark: Yeah.. I heard they got diseases man! Let's get the fuck out of here and get to the hospital

by Christopher Ess October 2, 2005

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scene kids

little more than barely legal girls trying really really hard to be debbie harry (although her song "rip her to shreds" describes an early version of the "scenester" girl--but they probably don't know that because the only songs they know are "Call Me" and "Heart of Glass")
OR guys in their early 20's who have either no facial hair or a really stupid looking beard and/or mustache...AND they like to show off their buttcracks when they lean over the bar in their tight-ass pants.

in cleveland the scene kids all do the girls' pants, white belt thing.
Girls almost always wear black and white striped things, footless tights, really ugly flats that don't match their outfits (on purpose), and yes, way too much makeup. They also tend to try and look very "80's" even though they were born at the very end of the decade and know nothing about the culture at that time except for what they see in the movies, which is over-the-top just like them.
Guys wear strictly the black and white lowtop converse, look like their hair was cut by their 4 year old sister, and usually claim to be bisexual.
Actually, that goes for both guys AND girls.
So does frequenting 80's nites of all kinds. The coolest scene kids are on the dance floor, usually standing in one place and moving their arms a little bit (guys) or dancing together trying to make people horny (girls). The girls usually wear spike heels and legwarmers when they go to 80's nite.
Scene kids smoke Camels because the Camel reps in town are also "scenesters" (tall, slightly nerdy looking guy in dark glasses and borderline dress-up clothes with his cute little asian girlfriend who wears just about anything)
They drink PBR almost exclusively (that is, if they are old enough to drink at all).
If they are not at 80's nite they can usually be found at one of the upscale outdoor malls near their home (most likely their parents' home as well) where they can shop at urban outfitters and h&m (so annoying...there is so much stigma attached to both stores now which is really too bad--damn kids!)
Yes, kids. That's the operative word here. True "scene kids" usually are not any older than 21.
Thank GOD most people grow out of that phase eventually!

by ginger st. vitus January 19, 2007

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scene kids

Scene kid used to mean hardcore kid or a person in the hardcore scene. Back then it was tough kids who fought for their straight edge beliefs or just fought in general and dancing at shows helped get aggression out. Of course there was alot of unity so if someone got hit during the dancing everyone else would help out pickin the person up. Somewhere along the lines of hardcore, the fashion industry mixed with emo style made its way into the scene. As the style grew bigger, kids who were tiny and couldnt stand up for themselves slowly turned to it to "fit in" and be part of the scene. The style quickly attracted the attention of many girls and people noticed that. soon most people (hardcore kids or not) turned to the trend in order to pull girls.

My opinion: I would never cut off my own balls in order to get chicks. if i was desperate, id save up and go get a hooker. wearing makeup and girls pants and having long hair is the same as chopping your balls off. Since when did you have to lose your masculinity in order to get laid? these kids need large injections of testosterone. theyve ruined our scene, theyve ruined the music by starting generic hardcore bands, theyve ruined girls, because now girls think its ok to be fat and loppy as long as they chop off their hair and dye it 8 different colors and wear all black. Im blaming it on divorce. so many parents are divorced these days that all these kids live with their moms and dont have a strong male influence in the house. for example, if i came home with girls pants, makeup on, long hair dyed different colors, and listened to emo music? my dad would get the most sturdy louisville slugger bat out of my garage and kick the shit out of me and once i was out cold and bloody, he would shave my head, burn the chick pants, use the blood to remove the makeup,inject me with mass amounts of testosterone steroids, ti me up in front of the tv, and make me watch every single superbowl game on tape thats there is. Personally, i think i would do the same to my kid if i had one and that happened.

homosexuals love lil scene kids.

by JasonSmith February 12, 2006

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Scene Kids

Camo shorts, Band T-shirts, swooping haircuts. Bought everything new to look a certain way, they dress that way to be part of the scene and their look has not evolved from the scene. Unbelievably fake- but still real people- they want to do what they do , what is everyones problem?

Scene Kids are People who go to shows but who don't believe in the scene itself.

by Some Guy, Somewhere March 16, 2006

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Scene kids

Scene kids seem to be everywhere. Many artists have even sung about Scene kids in their songs. For example Hollywood Undead mentions them in a couple of their songs. But no song lays it out better then Geoffrey Paris's song "Scene Kidz"

The lyrics define a scene kid perfectly:


I’m Scene... Obscene! (Repeats)

Scene Kids, head full of weave
Head full a’ shit that’s makin’ me hot!
Gotta brain dent
Gotta cigarette
Mommy and Daddy can’t stand it yet!
Racoon tails, Painted nails
Credit card flippin’ for 2 dolla’ ring pops
Uh oh better hurry to class...My sidekick says it’s a quarter past.
Scene kids, got that shit
Myspace this, gotta leave me a pic com
Hair toss, watch the gloss
Tats and the MAC runnin up the cost

I’ve got to sex you up,
I’ve got to sex you up,
I’ve got to sex you up with HELLO KITTY, GLOOMY BEAR!

I’ve got to sex you up,
I’ve got to sex you up,
I’ve got to sex you up with PLASTIC GUNS & HAIR STR8NERS!

Scene Kids got the shit,
you know you really want a piece of it, so,
Lemme see what, whatcha got

Scene Kids got the shit,
you know you really want a piece of it, so,
Lemme see what, whatcha rock

Scene Kids, Where ya at?
Drama at the mall, yeah we do it like that.
Snake Bites,
Faggot fights,
Gotta make sure those jeans are tight,
Take it back one time to smoke,
Two times to drink
And free time for coke
Lemme hit that Photoshop... lookin’ real good with ur face all cropped.
Scene kids talk that shit
“Look at that bitch,
I think she’s a fat cow”
Stupid ass slut, shut the fuck up before I wipe off your eyebrow!

I’ve got to sex you up,
I’ve got to sex you up,
I’ve got to sex you up with FAKE EYELASHES...WHORE TRAINS

I’ve got to sex you up,
I’ve got to sex you up,
I’ve got to sex you up with ...


Gore, Mattel, Vuitton, kannibal, murder, Hilton... Where are all my Scene kids at?
Vance, brutal, beatdown, vicious, terror, massacre... Where are all my Scene kids at?
Chaos, suicide, catastrophe, dior, tragedy, Vanity... Where are all my Scene kids at?

Scene kids intro

GEOFFREY PARIS: CHRISTOFF, I’m trying to enjoy my sushi..what?
DJ CHRISTOFF: Barbie Triskadekaphobia AP/VIP/PD/FD/AE just imed me on my new limited edition juicy coture sidekick ID...she says her myspace just got hacked... AGAIN!
GEOFFREY PARIS: Double yoo tee eff? Didn’t she have like, 60 thousand friends?
DJ CHRISTOFF: I guess they got into her account. After all, everyone knows her password was HELLO KITTY 69.
GEOFFREY PARIS: Whatever. That bitch totally deserved it. I was only like, number 4 on her top 8. I totally wanted to rip out her weave at warpped tour. But I was too busy hanging out with that one guy from that one band.
DJ CHRISTOFF: OH EM EFF JEE, he’s so totally lush!
GEOFFREY PARIS: I know right?!
So anyways, are you going to that party in LA this weekend?
DJ CHRISTOFF: FUCK YEAH I AM! Isn’t Dani Gore, Izzy Hilton, Dominick Andrew, Vivica Von, Plastic Precious, David Dior, Melissa Millionaire, Barbie Beatdown, Jenniffer Genuine, Nathan Amazing, Timothy Paul, Iann Vuitton, Mattie Mattel, Louie Lohan, Miles Devin, John Hock, Scotty Vicious, Toby Titties, Rochelle Riot, Sarah Von Dance, FAKE FAGGOT, Sarah and Kristin Vance, Chamaine Murders, and Miss Mother Fucking Erica all supposed to be there?
GEOFFREY PARIS:... Yeah... I heard they were going.
DJ CHRISTOFF: Whatever, let's get outta here. I have church in the morning.

by Gloomy November 30, 2007

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Scene Kids

Basically meaning 'Kids who just stand around at shows for the scene.' This term is now becoming older and older as more 'scene kids' start to dress scene not 'act it.' Hell I know so many 'scene' kids that listen to fucking brutal music and dance at shows, they don't just do it for the scene.
But alas I can see where people come from when they talk abt faggy pretentious scene kids that take a bazillion pictures for myspace and are sheepish constanly touch their hair and fold their arms and bitch whine and bitch but anyway yeah the music scene isn't about fashion but fashion is always incorporated into the scene, so I'm afraid you crnt just go "ah fucking scene kids blah blah blah...hatebreed...I'm a tough guy & I kick the shit out of you cus I listen to Donny Brook" cus chances are, you wear baggy jeans and some stupid £10 silver necklace and you have a skinhead, so yet agen your still doing it for the fashion! your trying to get out of this loophole that you crnt get out of. So I just say stop trying to be fuckin original, cus everyone dresses the same neway & also stop makin a big deal outta the hardcore scene, it's not about self respect bla blah blah its about wotever the fuck you want. Btw i fucking hate the scene.

Twatty Tough Guy "Grrr I hate scene kids, I have too many baggy hatebreed t shirts and my band has a fat bassist that just tunes to drop d and plays all the same old shit, Our new album is out it's called 'the hard fight' we have a new song called 'Self Respect'. Favourite pastimes are ranting abt how shit myspace is & trying to look cool and not find lots of clothes that seperate me from the scene.
Twatty Scene Kid "OMGZZZZZZ like my band is gonna play awesome metalxcore and we're gonna be called .burningxthroughxthexseasonxofxfire. and we're gonna have long song titles like 'I didn't even know it but he died right before my eye's, and now I'm carrying his corpse' I love x's on my screen name and my band name cus we're 'straight edge' but we still smoke and drink

by josh coulton April 7, 2006

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