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Social butterbitch

The term, social butterbitch, derives from the universally known phrase 'social butterfly'. A social butterbitch is someone who socialises with lots of different people but on a purely lame level. They try too hard and it's cringe worthy.

You know that guy Mike? He's a damn social butterbitch if ever I seen one.

by MrTeacherMan February 18, 2022

social diaper

An object or friend that compensates for a person's lack of social skills

"Man, I'm done with being Jeremy's social diaper. Feels like I'm always having to correct all the shit he says!"
"That guy has no filter: he's always saying the wrong things. Thank goodness he's got his dog as a social diaper so no one's really listening!"

by person87 January 5, 2015

social meat

A man-slut; someone who frequently sends dick pics to prospective mates (thus his junk is social meat).

"Ugh, I can't believe Derk posted another pic with that slut on Instagram. Talk about social meat. You whore."

"Omg. Christian just sent me another dick pic. What a social meat!"

by dickpicnick September 3, 2014

Social Accessory

It's when a straight female has a gay male friend.

Monica —who is a heterosexual— is friends with Ted —who is gay— in other words, Ted is Monica's social accessory.

by Oberservin' since '89 July 4, 2013

Social media

Cringe ' Crap 'abhorrent' abominable' odious' deplorable and other synonyms for bad describe social media

karl used Social media once his day was ruined

by None of your damn business October 1, 2022

Southern Social

A family reunion in the south that ends in sex

That southern social left me real sore after my brother joined in.

by ClassieGlass February 12, 2020


The act of being Anti-Social for a short amount of time.
E.G; when you feel emotionless for a day.

Person A:"Dude did you see Mandy, she's being so cold and emotionless today!!!"
Person B: "Naw, man, she's just Anti-Socialing right now!"

by JackettheRooster July 8, 2017