The act of eating shelled sunflower seeds.
Stop squirrelling, it's disgusting.
When someone vomits in your backseat floor,doesnt tell you and you discover 2 days later
Oh man,I finally got around to cleaning the Chevy after St Pats parade and it looks like Toby left me another skinned squirrel on the floormat.
A very small, happy, resourceful, productive, and energetic person.
She bustled around the event and in short order all talks were done and loose ends tied up; if not for our micro-squirrel the wedding would have been a disaster.
Having so little money you can only afford to serve squirrel to your dinner guests.
Aunt Sally and Uncle Jed are wonderful folks but don't stay for dinner 'cuz they're squirrel poor.
When you grab from the base of your sack in your hand, and squeeze your nuts to the other side of your hand
Him: Im gonna send her a squirrel heart
Friend: Yeah bro!!
Her: What the actual fuck is this.
Slang for choking the chicken aka masterbating
Dam I’ve got a sudden urge to ‘kick the squirrel’