When your arm is under the blanket, when it would quite obviously be more comfortable on top, implying touching of ones self inappropriately, or masturbation.
That's one "Suspicious Arm" you've got there Garfield, are you excessively masturbating to iCarly again?
When one arm out of two is proportionately muscular to other.
Figuratively, addressed to the freaks at work performing futile functions such as carrying orders to inferiors; shredding paper, drawing salaries et cetera.
Rafa's senior arm rams a punch on a backhand shot.
your elbow but you want to sound smarter
Jack: Ouch I just hit my arm knee
Earl: You mean elbow?
Jack: No, arm knee
A Baby Arm is a really BIG dick. Most often belonging to a black man.
Last night, my new boo put it on me girl! Dis muthafickas' gotta Baby Arm.
When you get very high and zone out forcing you to stare into space with your arms crossed.
Jon is sitting arms crossed in the corner