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Pork Chop and Bang

The day before Steak and a BJ day, March 13th. Pork Chop and Bang day is used in pre-celebration when there are unfortunate conflicting plans on March 14th.

George had to settle for a pork chop and bang due to a family dinner planned on March 14th.

by El Jackwagon March 15, 2018

busted my chops

chops refers to the musicians mouth muscles
when playing for extended periods of time, our muscles get weaker to the point where when playing we cannot sound slay

I shouldn’t have practiced so much before concert, I busted my chops!

After playing pomp and circumstance for ten minutes I hardcore busted my chops.

by dibblereedsucker May 30, 2023

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Throat chop Thursday

Something that annoying white girls try to change Throat Punch Thursday to

No it's throat chop Thursday , NOT

by Menareright November 30, 2017

Drop n' Chop

a noun
Used usually in a way joke by a friend of one to another who is currently in a relationship. In a way, "Don't forget the Drop n' Chop" is like saying "Don't forget to get sum"
A chopping motion of the hand can be used for emphasis

John: "Hey so how'd it go with that chick you saw at the mall?"

Jeff: "It's all good. I gotta date man!"

John: "Ey....Don't forget the Drop n' Chop!!"

by Cornflake 22 July 21, 2010

Off my chops

A phrase that describes the state of being heavily intoxicated by drugs or alcohol

Garry: Did you enjoy the club last night?
Fintan: I can’t remember man, I took a lot of MD and I was off my chops

by Sexypaolosopranidude November 1, 2020

slap your chops

It's receiving are slapping somebody in the face

If you don't take out that trash I'll slap your chops

by Master of trades slave to no July 15, 2022

pork chop

a typical Aussie bloke

he's such a porkchop... rugby, beer, and the ladies...

by steph August 4, 2004

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