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How's your heart?

To ask someone how's there heart, is to ask how they are. How they truly feel.

"How's your heart?"
"Not good. I'm feeling lost."

by June 5, 2021

bless ur heart

A phrase used mostly on the south simply to politely inform someone of just how stupid they are.

You have no idea where you are right now and you need directions to the nearest Walmart... well, Bless ur heart. It's right across the street!

by Bro kinda job January 21, 2023

My Heart Is Cold

Hi - my name is Vlad
you might say that I am bad.
But really I’m quite nice

if you look into my eyes
Angry and calm
patient and eager
Maybe not an emperor but
a top notch leader
Just kidding - I’m the best.
I am the dj, I don’t dance
The beat is mine, the tune is mine.
I’m cool – I am ice
I roll the dice.

My heart is, COLD
my moves are, BOLD
never get, OLD

I save the – WORLD

Did you know? I save reporter from tiger attack
I drive Formula One car on the race track
I test long Bridge with truck, I fight jiu jitsu with one hand on my back.
I hit the puck, I make ice crack, I never pull back and never slack, I am cold like Jack

I love the Beatles, from london to ostankino tower
Strawberry fields, forever – forever in power
Ja Geroi,
If want this track live b**ch, I will play in Bol’shoi,

I love my haters, I keep them close when they strive,
From the bottom of my heart I wish they’re safe and alive.
Our plains are endless, our men are strong versuri.us
We have beautiful women and, i tell you, they’re never wrong

I… love my transformers(voice off LGBTQprst), they are very tender,
Putting their carrots in blenders,
inventing new genders.

My heart is COLD, my moves are BOLD
Never get OLD. I save the WORLD.

Person 1: Bad History: Putin
Person 2: My Heart Is Cold
Person 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 in a choir: BAAAAAALLLLLLLLLSSS

by Zingle Zimbabwean May 6, 2023

My shitty heart

Can be used as an expression of admiration or affection, especially for animals.

Something being so cute that you emote pure joy. A modern variation of "my heart!"

That puppy is so cute!!! My heart!! My shitty fucking heart!

My friend showed me a picture of their cat and my shitty heart broke in two!

by Cuteaholic September 26, 2019

my heart isn't in it

It is used when You don't want to do something

"My parents want me to be a lawyer, but my heart isn't in it so I will be a journalist."

by Nany165 June 8, 2017

Man With Golden Heart

RamCharan Man With Golden Heart.

Yes He is Gold. He had a good nature and good heart Man With Golden Heart RC

by RamCharan November 23, 2020

mini heart break

When you are a girl and you have a new friend that's non binary but was born with female parts and you text them asking for help on a math question and then you think your flirting but then after a bit of texting and then the friend says something like yea I do that especially with my friends and your listening to music the whole time this is happening and then when the friend says that a few seconds later Heather's by Conan Grey comes on and you just had a mini heart break because they said the word friends when you thought you where flirting 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲

Mini heart break victim: Yea I was just texting with Dannie( not real person) and I thought we were flirting by they said no im just really affectionate with my friends when I said did I make you uncomfortable and now I'm sad as hell 💔

Random friend listening: yea it sounds like you are a mini heart break victim my friend

by I'm a possums ass August 27, 2021

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