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richard basto

a critical alcoholic with an excellent basketball career, some would say you can catch him sinkin' piss an slappin 50s at the Tripple 8, others would say you can catch him listening too taylor swift sped up on Soundcloud, all-round ledg

i was hoovering lines with a Richard basto at the monkey car on Friday morning.

by samthemanhero14 August 16, 2023

Richard Fayard

richard is a drummer, intelligent, lives in florida.

Adept in Norse mythology,

Relatives: Brandon Fayard, Chester Robert Fayard.
Likes games such as : No mans sky, Destiny 2, dying light, Valheim
currently living in district 35

Richard Fayard person trying to understand the universe but doesnt know that the universe is always watching, planning.
Richard person trying to understand the universe but doesnt know that the universe is always watching, planning.

by Jotnar the god June 16, 2021

Richard Macy

A space cowboy, thinks he has an enormous cock, but in reality has a 2” punisher. A male prostitute that doesn’t charge anything but pussy. If you know a richard Macy than you better stay away from him unless you want to sleep with him. 100% of times he is bisexual. Do not make eye contact with him unless you want to have a 30 second sexual encounter.

Don’t be a richard Macy, he’s a man

by Tsccowboy2020 June 30, 2020

Richard Noel

Loyal, caring, respectful, man of integrity, and a foreverett friend.

Every man should strive to be a Richard Noel

by 707mendogirl June 21, 2020

Richard Osborne

Some dumb motherfucker with a receding hairline who thinks he's funny. He normally can be spotted driving a Ford Explorer ripping fat clouds.

"Yo, have you seen Richard Osborne?"
"No, but there is a giant storm cloud coming our way so I guess that's him."

by Thetoastyboi_ October 15, 2019