Source Code

minority whip

A very wide and long black cock

Dam Tyrone got a minority whip

by Minoritywhipdude February 15, 2018

4๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


Something that is exceptionally cool or exciting.

Our trip to Vegas was the titty-whip!

The wheels on that car are the titty-whip!

by slanger June 8, 2007

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miracle whip

Another, more modern term, for the Popemobile.

Hey, looks like the Pope just got his ride back from Unique Autosports! It's the Miracle Whip!

by Galaxie427 October 30, 2007

8๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

pussy whipped

when you go and see a high action movie with your mates and girlfrend and completely ignore the movie in the vein sad effort to get sum.

mate:He check out that dude he's goign to blow that fucking dogs head of!

pussy whiped mattey: strange fish noises ( sound of em kissing) sorry what did i miss?

by Jimmy December 8, 2004

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buggy whip

a brown raised mole with long hairs prodruding from its surface.

"Look Susan, that woman has a major buggy whip on her chin!"

by kitcat13 June 12, 2009

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A gentlemen who lacks balls, has tits and gets butt sex from his girlfriend 24/7... basically a BITCH of his bitch or a major dildo

BJ is pussy-whipped

by Your Daddy January 13, 2004

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fag whipped

a guy who is so whipped beyond imagination and still doesnt get any pussy

a guy who would do any thing for a girl who is a complete bitch to him and his friends and she doesnt give him any poon

a guy who doesnt get any poon and would do anything for a bitch

a guy who leaves his friends house to pick up his bitch and then goes and picks up his bitches male friends whom he doesnnt know and whom the bitch oogles over more than the guy who would do anything for her

can Ray hang out?
no he's fag whipped so he must hang out with Emily and her friends
who are her friends?
hell if i know
does ray know ?

by b-natz February 12, 2006

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