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A homosexual male who has never had sexual relations with a female.

I wasn't always a fag, back in the day, I had fun with the ladies, but Mario is a unicorn.

by monctonblaine October 30, 2007


A man that is actually a good person. They care about what a women thinks and is sweet. They are all around perfect. They would make a great partner.

James you’re a unicorn.”

by Youreaunicorn March 31, 2021


Miami Artist whose passion is using the canvas to paint her world. Unique for her search for Justice, she magically campaigns for a better world even while being a keen student of history.

Only a unicorn could livestream and paint at the same time.

by Monarc September 13, 2023


A horse who’s a little more horny than usual. Derived from the Robot Chicken Unicorn who is a pervert.

If you polish a unicorns horn long enough you get magical unicorn mayonnaise.

by Madmatt September 25, 2021


An over hyped start-up that everyone is talking about, and is raising a ton of money.

That one company is such a unicorn, it will most likely fail.

by patepatepate May 20, 2019


A developer with a macbook and pronouns often seen wearing designer glasses.

This is Dave, he is our senior unicorn and is specialized in front-end development using svelte.

by sarvasana March 26, 2024


While your lady is casually dropping a loaf, walk in and place the tip of your member up against her forehead whilst shouting “unicorn”. She will love this…results may vary

Bill: did you hear about Geoff? He gave his wife a unicorn…his wake is on Tuesday”

by Maybe on Wednesday February 22, 2025