To make a lot of cash.
bank dinero earned money getting rich money moolah success
Does Jay-Z make mad bank?He's makin' mad bank, boyee!
Someone that for some reason, somehow ended up on this world, after being put on the "rejected sperm" shelf in the spermbank and is now a burden to everyones life.
Dan: "Jesus Christ, Richard, you're a fucking sperm bank reject. The nurses should have thrown your dads sperm out right away instead of putting it on a shelf. You're probably as ugly and brain-damaged as he was."
Richard: "..."
when a person is so unintelligent that they cannot comprehend even the most remedial concepts of education
Jerome did not understand what the scientific term for water, h2o was - he damn sure is not the shiniest nickel in the piggy bank.
Sucking many dicks at the same time
- Did he really had a male orgy?
- Yhea man! Don't you know he is Cruz on the Banks?!?
Sucking many dicks at the same time
Did he really had a male orgy?
Yhea man! Don't you know who he is?!? He's Cruz on the Banks!!
someone who has the biggest fucking forehead in the cosmos
“i’ve been learning a lot of trigonometry in college recently”
“i can see that from your Big Memory Bank”