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do i even need to say anything?


by Asleep123 April 8, 2023


Hello is more of a formal greeting when speaking but not extremely formal.

Another word often used in place of this is hi or hey, these are little more laid back greetings (informal)

friend: "hello *your name* how are you? "

you: "hello *friends name* im good what about you?"

by just a little mischevious guy June 1, 2022


Hello is one of the simpliest words in the english diccionary, used as a greeting. Can also be shorted to hi, hey and ect.

"Hello! So nice to see you again!"

"Oh, Hello"

by Flora_E October 10, 2021


Hello is a slang word used for greeting it means go and have a wash you dirty sketty girl


by December 12, 2020


Hope you have a good day! Nyehehehehe

Alien: "Hello!"
Elephant: "Garlic confit"

by BAYUM888 February 22, 2023


Most people dont need a hello or an act of false kindness to get them through their day, they're already good without it. Pretending to help someone for personal gain isnt kindness, its false kindness.

Most people are going to get through their day whether someone says hello or fuck you, it doesn't matter.

by Solid Mantis May 6, 2020


it’s a conversation starter

Hello, how are you?

by Mondragon November 22, 2021