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Holy tits Mcgee

An exclamation of joy or wonder; a phrase that you say when you cannot believe what you just saw.

"That squirrel just attacked my dog!"
"Holy tits Mcgee!"

by Tony Q August 25, 2007

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holy shiz wizzle

Holy shit in Snoop Dogg version.

Holy shiz wizzle... I don't believe it!

by Cat February 24, 2005

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holy hell batman

when you take a massive toke

holy hell batman, where am i and were is my pants

by etyetnthnthn August 5, 2010

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College of the Holy Cross

A college for hos

Guy 1: Yo, that girl is such a ho
Guy 2: Yeah, she goes to College of the Holy Cross

by HolyCross2016 May 22, 2020

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Holy Ass Balls

When you see something that you cannot explain, understand or even fathom. Used when there are no other expressive expressions that seem to cut it.

Did you see who Verny took home?

Holy ass balls, how did that happen?

Yeah, Verny is nasty.

by Hairybastard February 19, 2010

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Holy Hell Yes

When you’re so passionate about something and hell yeah, and yeah alone don’t do it for you, Holy Hell Yes.

Hey Marlee, wanna go to the concert on Saturday? I got tickets. Holy Hell Yes!

by Jastardo July 19, 2018

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holy meme bible

A Bible of the holiest memes.

I was given a Holy Meme Bible

by Blake2Kappa December 25, 2017

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