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internet banking

1. Using the world wide web to view your financial status and arrange your transactions.
2. Wanking with assistance from the world wide web.

1. Steve: The ATM's out, I need to check my balance.
Dave: It's all about internet banking, dude.
2. Trevor: Where were you last night, man? I called round yours like 3 times.
Nigel: Sorry man, 4 hours of pure internet banking.

by sming January 8, 2010

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Conquered The Internet

When you've done all that needs to be done or has piqued your interest online and no further task is at hand, usually resulting in you logging off or going to do something productive.

Damn dude, theres no new videos on YouTube, I have no friend requests on facebook and Obama isn't tweeting on twitter. I conquered the internet.

by SpyderNinja September 13, 2009

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Internet Prostitute

Getting naked, making videos, posting pictures and teasers of those videos and asking everyone to go on YouTube/ dedicated apps to check it out.

Poonam Pandey is an Internet Prostitute.

by God of Dandy June 5, 2019

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Internet Cajones

To have a high amount of courage behind a computer screen (or over the internet in general) that would otherwise not be followed up or said in person. Such occurrences can include insults and arguments in general. Not being able to follow up to threats previously made online in a real life scenario also apply. Also see: internet balls

A: You are such an idiot, I hate you.
B: Why don't you come here and say that to my face?
A: Make me.
B: Clearly you have a strong case of "Internet Cajones"

by Roger_5000 May 14, 2012

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Internet Explorer

The Shittiest internet browser ever.

"Aw man! Internet Explorer froze again!"
"Why were you using internet explorer?"
"I was trying to download Google Chrome."

by Bob Yong Un May 4, 2015

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the internet in 1969

Well, the internet in 1969, you may ask... well, here's a story. By December 5, 1969, a 4-node network was connected by adding the University of Utah and the University of California, Santa Barbara. Building on ideas developed in ALOHAnet, the ARPANET grew rapidly. ... The early ARPANET used the Network Control Program (NCP, sometimes Network Control Protocol) rather than TCP/IP.

Well, let's go to the past to the internet in 1969.

by MiyamotoFanatic2009 November 18, 2017

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Internet Kaput

Internet kaput a forbidden spell that only the great magician and one of the four holy games titosplayz can cast the leader of the tits army
This spell can instantly shut down the enemy's internet connection as well as their pc/phone and power
Also it can be countered by offering 14 goats at the holy shrine of big nigga in greece...if titos casts this spell twice it will double the radius of this spell and the time the effect takes place

Sexygamer4450:Look at this noob it's an easy win gg
Sexygamer4450:hey what is going on what kind of spell did you cast on me i swear i will never play this game again please don't do it PLEASEEEEE

by MinecraftGamer34 June 18, 2019

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